Phaser template for TypeScript. Inspired by a number of similar projects. Tested only on macOS, but no issues anticipated on Windows or Linux.
Includes Phaser, PIXI and p2 as globals using expose-loader. These dependencies are imported once for the entire application in app.ts. Webpack will expose them globally at runtime.
TypeScript definitions for Phaser included in tsconfig.json.
Assets loaded using file-loader. Google Fonts added in the load state using webfontloader.
Server and watcher for development provided with webpack-dev-server.
Implements a full working sample of the Phaser state system (Boot, Load, Menu and Play) as well as demonstrating Phaser concepts such as sprites, tilemaps, arcade physics and more.
npm run build:dev
Create a development build. Output to build folder.
npm run build:prod
Create a production build. Output to dist folder.
npm run lint
Run TSLint on the TypeScript source files. The recommended ruleset is used, along with some custom rules as defined in tslint.json. These rules are a personal preference. For VSCode users, the TSLint plugin is recommended.
npm run serve
Start webpack-dev-server with file watching enabled. Will wait 500ms for additional changes before compilation. Source maps included for debugging. Server configuration can be modified in
npm run serve:dev
Alias for serve.
npm run serve:prod
Start webpack-dev-server using production configuration.
- Sample level created using Tiled. Spritesheets created with TexturePacker.
- Textures from Platformer Art Complete Pack.
- Menu audio created by mrpoly.
- Including PhaserCE Typescript Definitions - phaserjs/phaser-ce#16.
- Assets
- Maintain directory structure?
- Level
- Add coins & HUD.
- Additional sounds.