PHP library to access Turbobytes API
Sample usage, to get server time
$R = new TBCDNreq( $TBCDNconf);
$r = $R->req( '/api/zone/' . 'myzonename' . '/purge/', true, array( 'files'=>array( '/file1', '/file2')));
echo( 'purge some files from zone ' . $zone . ' id:' . $r->id . ' full response:');
var_dump( $r);
Sample usage, to purge a file
$R = new TBCDNreq( $TBCDNconf);
$r = $R->req( '/api/zone/' . 'myzonename' . '/purge/', true, array( 'files'=>array( '/file1', '/file2')));
echo( 'purge some files from zone ' . $zone . ' id:' . $r->id . ' full response:');
var_dump( $r);
$TBCDNconf = array();
$TBCDNconf[ 'cert'] = 'PositiveSSL.bundle.pem';
$TBCDNconf[ 'host'] = '';
$TBCDNconf[ 'akey'] = '----your api key----'; // API key
$TBCDNconf[ 'secr'] = '----your personal secret----'; // personal secret
Initial coding by Dvorkin Dmitry for Tibbo Tech. (