Foundation for your frontend project.
1. Go to your project directory
2. git clone .
3. Run npm install
- Create "src" folder.
- Create "scss" and "js" folders inside "src" folder.
- Create entry "main.scss" file inside "scss" folder and entry "main.js" file inside "js" folder.
- Import your fonts to entry "main.scss"(if needed).
- Do additional configuration or any changes you need for your development process in "webpack.config.js" file.
npm run build
This will create output "dist" folder with separate "css" and "js" folders with "main.min.css" and "main.min.js" files inside and also "fonts" folder.
Connect "main.min.css" and "main.min.js" to your project.
Your project is now running on http://localhost:3000 by default (you can change your host in "proxy" property in webpack.config.js)