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Marten Gajda edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 1 revision

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This Wiki is based on Gollum, a Git based Wiki system. The markup language used is Markdown in the Github flavored version. only serves the Wiki content, without any option to edit it. The sources of this Wiki are available at All changes at GitHub will be pushed to on a regular base. At present this is a manual process, so it might take some time.

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The page contains a number of templates. When adding a new page, pick the appropriate template and populate it with content and save it under the name name. When adding files with the special charactes :, clone the repository and create the file manually. If there is no appropriate template yet, consider to create one first.

Content conventions

  • Use the blockquote character > when adding quotes from an RFC.
  • Always add references to the original RFC. Link the html version of the RFC at
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  • Github Flavored Markdown supports XML comments, i.e. <!-- a comment is not visible in the rendered page -->, use it if necessary
  • Put the page title into a meta comment containing --- title: PAGETILE if it can't be derived from the file name.

Filename conventions

  • Pages of XML elements should be named after their fully qualified name like <namespace>:<name>.md
  • If a file name would contain /, it should be replaced by -, like so
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