We will design and implement a warehouse management system for Tevos Drugstore.
This is our exam project for the 2nd Semester in the Computer Science Course (class: dmai0919) at UCN.
🏠 Homepage
- Download the software release zip file from the Releases page
- Extract it
- Enter the database credentials into the config.properties file
- Run the following command:
java -jar dmai0919_2Sem_3.jar
- Log in with the demo credentials:
Role | Username | Password |
Warehouse | warehouse | password |
Store | store | password |
👤 UCN Computer Science AP - dmai0919 - Group 3
- Erik Petra @erikpetr
- Krisztián Henrik Papp @henkyfen
- Marek Strúcka @mstrucka
- Rémi Teissier @Ninjistile
- Tiago Fernandes @tiagoprox
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