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StackPedia is the perfect application for developers looking to explore and discover new technologies to expand their knowledge of how their respective technologies can interact in a tech stack.


The goal of this project was to develop an application where experienced and beginner developers alike can explore new technologies and gain some basic understanding of them. In additon to this, it aims to motivate developers to take their new knowledge of a technology and discover how it can become part of a large tech stack for their future projects. The project was built using the MERN stack(MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and is my first solo fullstack web application. To see more on the backend API, visit the repository.


Technologies Used

React TailwindCSS Express Cypress MongoDB NodeJS


Deployed Link - StackPedia

To Run Locally - Run npm install then npm run dev in the project root directory


Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9 10 50 PM Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9 10 59 PM Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9 11 10 PM Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 9 11 20 PM

Cypress Testing

Cypress was implemented for E2E testing. To run tests:

  • Fork this repository
  • Run git clone
  • cd into the directory
  • npm i to install dependencies
  • npm run dev and open localhost in your browser
  • npm run cypress will start Cypress and open up test window
  • when finished, run ctrl + c to stop running local server

Future Directions

  • Implementing a search feature
  • Allowing users to favorite certain technologies or tech stacks
  • Allowing users to build/add their own custom tech stacks