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alt text

By Viktor Váczi at Emergence Engineering

Try it out at


  • Drag and drop or paste images from anywhere
  • Upload images to endpoints, showing placeholder until the upload finishes, and optionally delete images when the image is removed from the document
  • Customizable overlay for alignment ( or whatever you think of! )
  • Optional image title
  • Image resizing with body resize listeners, so the image always fits the editor ( inspired by czi-prosemirror )
  • Scaling images with editor size ( when resizing is enabled )
  • Easy to implement image caching ( in downloadPlaceholder )

How to use

import { schema } from "prosemirror-schema-basic";
import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { defaultSettings, updateImageNode, imagePlugin } from "prosemirror-image-plugin";

import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/common.css";
import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/withResize.css";
import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/sideResize.css";

// Update your settings here!
const imageSettings = {...defaultSettings};

const imageSchema = new Schema({
  nodes: updateImageNode(schema.spec.nodes, {
  marks: schema.spec.marks,

const initialDoc = {
  content: [
      content: [
          text: "Start typing!",
          type: "text",
      type: "paragraph",
  type: "doc",

const state = EditorState.create({
  doc: imageSchema.nodeFromJSON(initialDoc),
  plugins: [
      schema: imageSchema,
      menuContent: menu,
    imagePlugin({ ...imageSettings }),

const view: EditorView = new EditorView(document.getElementById("editor"), {



Interface for the settings used by this plugin.

name type description
uploadFile (file: File) => Promise<string> Uploads the image file to a remote server and returns the uploaded image URL. By default it returns the dataURI of the image.
deleteSrc (src: string) => Promise<void> Deletes the image from the server.
hasTitle boolean If set to true then the image has a title field. True by default. isBlock should be true if set.
extraAttributes Record<string, string | null> Extra attributes on the new image node. By default is defaultExtraAttributes.
createOverlay ( node: PMNode, getPos: (() => number) | boolean, view: EditorView) => Node | undefined create an overlay DOM Node for the image node. The default is the one you see in the intro image.
updateOverlay ( overlayRoot: Node, getPos: (() => number) | boolean, view: EditorView, node: PMNode) => void The function that runs whenever the image ProseMirror node changes to update the overlay.
defaultTitle string Default title on new images.
defaultAlt string Default alt on new images ( when it's not defined ).
downloadImage (url: string) => Promise<string> Download image data with a callback function. Useful for images with behind auth.
downloadPlaceholder (url: string, view: EditorView) => string If downloadImage is defined then this image is showed while the download is in progress. Caching can be done here if necessary.
isBlock boolean true if you want block images, false if you want inline ( ProseMirror default ). Titles are only possible with block images. Default true.
enableResize boolean Enables resize features. Default true.
resizeCallback (el: Element, updateCallback: () => void) => () => void Creates & destroys resize listeners
imageMargin number Space in px on the side an image. Default 50.
minSize number Minimum size in px of an image. Default 50.
maxSize number Maximum size in px of an image. Default 2000.
scaleImage boolean If true then images scale proportionally with editor width. Default true.
createDecorations (state: EditorState) => DecorationSet Generate decorations from plugin state. Needed with YJS.
createState (pluginSettings: ImagePluginSetting) => StateField Handle editor state differently. Needed with YJS.
findPlaceholder (state: EditorState, id: object) => number undefined


Returns the updated nodes ( Schema["spec"]["nodes"] type )


index name type description
1 nodes Schema ["spec"] ["nodes"] nodes from the to-be-updated Schema spec
2 pluginSettings ImagePluginSettings same plugin settings the plugin will be initialized with


Dispatches a transaction in the editor view which starts the image upload process ( and places placeholder etc ). Returns undefined


index name type description
1 view EditorView Reference of the mounted editor view
2 file File image file to be uploaded
3 alt string alt of the file ( usually works )
4 pluginSettings ImagePluginSettings same plugin settings the plugin was initialized with
5 schema Schema updated schema used by the editor
6 pos number insert position in the document

Uploading files

Be aware that the default uploadFile inserts the dataURI of the image directly into the ProseMirror document. That can cause issues with large files, for ex. gifs with long animations.

Upload placeholder

The plugin creates a widget decoration while the upload process is still in progress. The widget decoration's dom node is a <placeholder>, an example style could be:

placeholder {
    color: #ccc;
    position: relative;
    top: 6px;
placeholder:after {
    content: "☁";
    font-size: 200%;
    line-height: 0.1;
    font-weight: bold;

Uploading images from a file picker

A small React example

In the "html" / JSX part:

<input type="file" id="imageselector" onChange={onInputChange} />

The onInputChange callback:

  const onInputChange = useCallback(
    (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
      if (
        pmView?.state.selection.$from.parent.inlineContent &&
      ) {
        const file =[0];

CSS & Styles

The following styles are in the bundle:

import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/common.css";
import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/withResize.css";
import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/sideResize.css";
import "prosemirror-image-plugin/dist/styles/withoutResize.css";

YJS compatibility

Because YJS collab ( as it is right now, will be improved in the future ) replaces the entire document on every incoming change decorations will be mapped to nothing. The workaround is to use YJS cursors to save positions. You can do this by overriding createState, findPlaceholder, and createDecorations.

const createDecorations = (state: EditorState) => {
  // @ts-ignore
  const updatedState: Array<{ id: object; pos: any }> = imagePluginKey.getState(state);
  const YState = ySyncPluginKey.getState(state);
  const decors = => {
    const pos = relativePositionToAbsolutePosition(YState.doc, YState.type, i.pos, YState.binding.mapping);
    const widget = document.createElement('placeholder');
    const deco = typeof pos === "number"? Decoration.widget(pos, widget, {
    }): undefined;
    return deco;
  // @ts-ignore
  return DecorationSet.create(state.doc, decors.filter(i=>i)) || DecorationSet.empty;

interface StateValue {
  pos: any;
  id: object;

export const createState = <T extends Schema>() => ({
  init() {
    return [];
  // @ts-ignore
  apply(tr: Transaction<T>, value: StateValue[], oldState: EditorState<T>, newState: EditorState<T>): StateValue[] {
    const action: ImagePluginAction = tr.getMeta(imagePluginKey);
    if (action?.type === 'add') {
      const YState = ySyncPluginKey.getState(newState);
      const relPos = absolutePositionToRelativePosition(action.pos, YState.type, YState.binding.mapping);
      return [...value, { id: as object, pos: relPos }];
    } else if (action?.type === 'remove') {
      return value.filter((i) => !==;
    return value;

const findPlaceholder = (state: EditorState, id: object) => {
  // @ts-ignore
  const decos: StateValue[] = imagePluginKey.getState(state);
  const found = decos?.find((i) => === id);
  if (!found) return undefined;
  const YState = ySyncPluginKey.getState(state);
  const pos = relativePositionToAbsolutePosition(YState.doc, YState.type, found.pos, YState.binding.mapping);
  return typeof pos === 'number' ? pos : undefined;

Known issues

  • titles and inline nodes do not work well together. If hasTitle is true then isBlock should also be true.


Running & linking locally

  1. install plugin dependencies: npm install
  2. install peer dependencies: npm run install-peers
  3. link local lib: npm run link
  4. link the package from the project you want to use it: npm run link prosemirror-image-plugin

About us

Emergence Engineering is dev shop from the EU:

We're looking for work, especially with ProseMirror ;)

Feel free to contact me at


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