pytender is a python API wrapper for the wonderful tender support service (
This wrapper is currently a work in progress and doesn't support the entire tender API yet. However, I think we currently have a good base. If you like the API wrapper and would like to help out, please fork it and do so!
Please direct all bugs and feature requests to the lighthouse page for this project:
just add to your python path.
This app supports tender's multipass login. This currently works like so:
>> tender = TenderClient('appname', 'secret', 'user email')
>> tender.multipass_url('', tender.multipass())
>> tender = TenderClient('appname', 'secret', 'user email')
>> tender.profile().name
u'Chris Drackett'
>> tender.profile().created_at
datetime.datetime(2009, 8, 26, 21, 28, 5)
>> discussions = tender.profile().discussions()
>> discussions.count()
>> discussions[1].title
u'discussion title'
>> discussions[1].href
>> discussions[1].is_public
>> discussions[1].toggle()
u'Public' # returns the new state
>> discussions[1].change_category('123')
u'Public' # returns the new state
>> comments = discussions[1].comments()
>> comments[0].formatted_body
u'<div><p>this is the comment body</p></div>'
>> comments[0].user().name
u'Chris Drackett
>> comments[0].created_at
datetime.datetime(2009, 9, 12, 3, 21, 14)
>> all_categories = tender.categories()
>> all_categories[0].name
>> all_categories[0].href
>> all_categories[0].summary
u'Ask us anything!'
>> question_discussions = all_categories[0].discussions()
>> question_discussions[0].title
u'This is a question'
>> all_categories[0].create_discussion('Title', 'Body')
<tender.TenderDiscussion object at 0x1011bafd0>
>> all_categories[0].create_discussion('Title', 'Body', author_email='email')
<tender.TenderDiscussion object at 0x1011bafd0>