This project contains a terraform environment to setup a kubernetes cluster in various IaaS environments. The following IaaS layers are supported yet:
- Openstack
- Azure
Kubify supports cluster setup, recovery from an etcd backup file and rolling of cluster nodes. A cluster update is possible as long as the contained components can just be redeployed and the update is done by a rolling update by the kubernetes controllers. The update of the kubelets is supported without rolling the nodes.
The target cluster can be enriched by a set of predefinied addons that comes out of the box with this template project.
For the technical launch of a cluster bootkube is used on CoreOS VMs.
The setup is completely handled by a single terraform project, which uses specific terraform modules handling IaaS related tasks. Recovery is handled by a specific bootstrap etcd deployment together with the regular bootkube mechanism.
Kubify is designed to be used as a git submodule for a cluster specific project that hosts a specific cluster's configuration and the selection of a cluster variant (openstack/aws/azure). Here also the terraform state is stored which enables performing cluster modifications later based on the same terraform project.
Remote access to cluster nodes can be restricted by a bastion VM. Using a bastion allows omitting public access to every cluster node. Node access will automatically use the bastion host. It is also possible to assign public IP addresses to every node, in this case no bastion host is required.
All nodes are fully configured by a cloud-init file. Active parts are handled by systemd services. The kubelet is run by using the kubelet wrapper mechanism provided by CoreOS. Therefore always CoreOS images are used for the cluster nodes. The kubelet version is controlled by a dedicated file. In case this is changed the kubelet service is automatically restarted. This can be used to implement version upgrades of kubelets without requiring reinstallation of nodes.
The cluster is bootstrapped using bootkube.
Bootstrapping is always done by the first (index 0) master node. Therefore a bootkube service
is configured on master nodes. It automatically starts when an appropriate configuration file is present.
The bootkube configuration is prepared by terraform and propagated to the first master node by a remote
provisioner. This is done exactly once. On subsequent calls to terraform an appropriate auto
configuration file is generated which disables the bootstrap resource in order to avoid repeated
Kubify supports cluster recovery from an etcd backup file. Recovery uses the terraform project
used to setup the cluster by enabling the recovery mode and executing terraform apply
, again.
In recovery mode the master nodes and volumes are recreated and the cluster bootstrap is reinitiated
using the etcd backup in order to initialize the bootstrap etcd cluster. This is the only difference
compared to an initial cluster setup.
The current setup uses a self hosted etcd approach supported by bootkube and the etcd operator. The etcd is scaled with the master nodes and uses a persistent volume for their persistence. For bootrapped clusters the etcd operator does not support kubernetes volumes, therefore a VM volume for master nodes is created and used to back the host path used by the etcd cluster
The API Server can only run on master nodes. It uses the node port 443. This is used to create a load balancer for this port and the set of master nodes.
The same mechanism is used to statically provide a load balancer for the nginx ingress controller for http(s) access. The nginx pods are running on the worker nodes, only. Here the ports 80 and 443 are used as node ports on the worker nodes.
Basically nginx could also use a load balancer created by a service object, but then it would not be possible to generate the DNS and load balancer environment in advance using terraform. This could be changed if either the public IP assigned to the load balancer could be configured by the service object or if there would be a DNS controller in Kubernetes. But then the constraint for the IaaS layer is to offer (???) load balancers with dedicated public IPs. This is, for example, not the case for AWS (???). Always using statically provided load balancers for the ingress should works for all environments.
If the configuration of master or worker nodes require a recreation of VMs, this is done by upating
each node with a separate call to terraform apply
one by one. With every successfull execution the update
of the next master/worker node is triggered. This is completely implemented by the terraform configuration files
and by keeping the actual state in a separate json file which can later again be read as a terraform variable file
(auto file). Configuration variables allow to configure the behaviour of node rolling.
Create a new git repository representing the desired new cluster This repository is used to keep track of the used terraform template version, the terraform configuration and state of the cluster.
mkdir <cluster-name> cd <cluster-name> git init git remote add origin <git repository url>
Prepare the cluster project content
Add a
file.terraform/ terraform/ gen/ tmp/ .sw[opq]
Add the kubify repository as a git submodule with the name
.git submodule add k8s git submodule init
Select the cluster IaaS variant to be used Create a symbolic link
pointing to the variant to use. Variants are stored in foldervariants
inside the submodule residing in folderk8s
.Currently three variants are supported
- openstack
- aws
- azure
For example:
ln -s k8s/variants/openstack variant
Starting from terraform 0.10.6 symbolic link handling does not work correctly anymore. Here you cannot use the direct variant link anymore. Instead run
k8s/bin/prepare <variant name>
to select the variant for your cluster project. If the variant has already been configured earlier, the argument can be omitted. This script generates a copy of the k8s module and replaces the indirect link
by a direct link to the desired variant, instead of using thevariant
link in the cluster project. Whenever a new version of Kubify (this project) is used for the cluster project, this copy must be updated by callingprepare
again. -
Add the configuration values for your cluster (
)For openstack this could look like this:
os_user_name="<your user>" os_password="<your password>" os_auth_url="<your keystone auth url>" os_tenant_name="<your tenant name>" os_domain_name="<your openstack domain name>" os_region="<your region>" os_fip_pool_name="<your fip pool name>" cluster_name="<your cluster name>" cluster_type="<your cluster type>" # DNS dns = { dns_type = "route53" access_key="<route53 access key>" secret_key="<route53 secret key>" hosted_zone_id="<route53 hosted zone id>" hosted_zone_domain="<domain>" } # cluster size master = { count=3 flavor_name="medium_4_8" } worker = { count=3 flavor_name="medium_2_4" }
Setup the cluster Now you can call regular terraform commands for the project
terraform init variant terraform plan variant terraform apply variant
Terraform commands There are shortcuts available including the
step during development:k8s/bin/plan k8s/bin/apply k8s/bin/tf <terraform command>
This command sequence automatically runs the prepare step and the terraform get step, if required.
Access to master, worker and bastion nodes
k8s/bin/master [<n> [<shell command to execute on master>]] k8s/bin/worker [<n> [<shell command to execute on worker>]] k8s/bin/master list # list all IPs of VMs intended for master nodes k8s/bin/worker list # list all IPs of VMs intended for worker nodes k8s/bin/bastion
Access to the api server The config file for
can be found ingen/assets/auth/kubeconfig
. Or just callk8s/bin/k <options>
# for kubectlk8s/bin/ks <options>
# for kubectl -n kube-system- `k8s/bin/kurl # for curl /
Alternatively you can copy the project template
Afterwards you set the origin
to your upstream git repository. Then continue with the configuration steps above.
It uses the same submodule, so don't forget to call
git submodule update --init --recursive
First of all there are required settings for every IaaS environment:
In addition there are various general settings that are independent of the chosen platform variant. Most of them have defaults that typically don't need to be changed.
The folloing variables are required for every cluster:
Name | Meaning |
cluster_name | Name of the cluster. Used for DNS entries, the kubernetes cluster and for labelling the IaaS elements |
cluster_type | Type key of the cluster (for example: seed or infra ). It ts used for the DNS entries and labeling the IaaS elements |
dashboard_creds | The credential file the kubernetes dashboard created by htpasswd . Unfortunately terraform does not support bcrypt up to now |
master | Settings for master nodes (see below) |
worker | Settimgs for worker nodes (see below) |
bastion | Settimgs for bastion VM (see below) |
and worker
use the following common structure
Name | Meaning |
count | Number of nodes (for master this should be an odd number, because it is also used to scale the cluster etcd service |
flavor_name | Optional: flavor used for the VM |
image_name | Optional: image used for the VM |
assign_fips | Optional: Always assign public IP to nodes |
volume_size | Optional: Size in GB of persistent volume for master (default: 20), should not be used for worker |
update_mode | Optional: Update mode for VMs |
generation | Optional: explicit node generation count to enforce recreation |
For the bastion
settings the following structure is used
Name | Meaning |
flavor_name | Optional: flavor used for the VM |
image_name | Optional: image used for the VM |
user_name | Optional: user name of initial admin user of image |
DNS configuration is done via the input map dns
. It contains an entry dns_type
to select the desired DNS
provider and additional configuration entries required for that provider.
So far only route53
is supported as DNS provider. Therefore dedicated AWS credentials
with appropriate permissions are required.
Configuration of the route53
DNS provider:
Name | Meaning |
access_key | AWS access key for route53 access |
secret_key | AWS secret key for route53 access |
hosted_zone_id | Id of AWS hosted zone to use for the DNS entries |
hosted_zone_domain | Optional: domain name of hosted zone. Required if no base_domain or domain_name is configured for cluster. It is used to generate a unique domain name for clusters generated with kubify in this domain. |
Etcd can be configured to create backups using the etcd operator. This can also be
configured with the terraform project using the input map variable etcd_backup
The folowing backup modes are supported:
: AWS S3pv
: Persistent volume in cluster The default ispv
. An appropriate kubernetes storage class is always created by the platform specific parts.
The mode is configured with the map entry storage_type
. Other entries are used to
configure the selected storage type.
For s3
AWS credentials must be configured:
Name | Meaning |
access_key | AWS access key for S3 access |
secret_key | AWS secret key for S3 access |
Besides those mandatory settings there are various optional settings.
Several addons can be chosen for optional deployment.
Name | Meaning |
ca_cert_pem | Root certificate to be used for the cluster. By default generated for the dedicated cluster |
ca_key_pem | Key for the root certificate. Must always be configured together with ca_cert_pem |
base_domain | Base domain used for the cluster instead of generating it. The cluster name is still prepended |
domain_name | Domain name of the cluster. Sub domains are created for api, ingress,.... |
additional_domains | List of additional domain names used for certificate generation |
These are otional settings for all kinds of nodes
Name | Meaning |
root_certs_file | File containing additional root certificates to be installed on the nodes |
dns_nameservers | List of DNS servers to configure for the subnets and/or VMs |
flavor_name | Default flavor for all kinds of VMs |
subnet_cidr | IP range for node subnet (defaulted by IaaS modules) |
It is possible to specify IaaS specific names (or search pattern for AWS). Additionally some mappings for preconfigured names come out of the box with this project:
- ubuntu-16.04
- coreos-1520.6.0 (not on Azure)
- coreos-1548.3.0 (Azure)
Actual settings can be found here. With every new release more preconfigured settings are delivered with Kubify.
Name | Meaning |
use_bastion | Use bastion host to avoid public node IPs if possible (depends on IAAS environment) |
use_lbaas | For testing purposes switch off load balancers |
configure_additional_dns | Create DNS entries for additional_domains |
Name | Meaning |
oidc_issuer_domain | OIDC configuration for API server |
oidc_issuer_subdomain | OIDC configuration for API server |
oidc_client_id | OIDC configuration for API server, default: kube-kubectl |
oidc_username_claim | OIDC configuration for API server, default: email |
oidc_groups_claim | OIDC configuration for API server, default: groups |
service_cidr | Kubenetes cluster ip range (services) (default: |
pod_cidr | Kubenetes pod ip range (default: |
Name | Meaning |
node_update_mode | Standard node update mode (Roll , All or None ) |
update_kubelet | handle kubelet update (default: false) |
Additional node kind specific settings can be set using the master
and worker
Name | Meaning |
recover_cluster | Enable cluster recovery mode if set to `true |
etcd_backup_file | Local path to the etcd backup file |
Versions are coming with the releases of this project. It is possible to override various versions, but there is no guarantee a selected combination of component versions works flawlessly (and with this terraform script) Actual versions are defined here.
Versions can be configured as member of a map variable versions
. The following keys are supported:
Name | Meaning |
image_name | image used for cluster VMs (master and nodes) |
bastion_image_name | image used for bastion VMs |
kubernetes_version | kubernetes version |
dns_version | DNS version |
flannel_version | flannel version |
cni_version | CNI version |
etcd_version | etcd version |
etcd_operator_version | etcd operator version |
bootkube | bootkube image name (default: ) |
bootkube_version | bootkube version |
kubernetes_hyperkube | image base name (default: ) |
kubernetes_hyperkube_patch | image name suffix (default: _coreos.0 ) |
nginx_version | nginx version |
lego_version | lego version |
Store your etcd backup file somewhere in the filesystem and add the following settings to your
recover_cluster = "true"
etcd_backup_file= "<your etcd.backup file path>"
Now just re-run terraform apply variant
(or try plan
This recreates the master volumes and nodes and then recreates the cluster using the backup as initial etcd content. All manual changes to your deployment of the standard components will be lost, because all standard components (not only the control plane) will be updated to the version configured in the terraform project.
Every new version of this project comes with a migration script
that is used by the command
. It is used to adapt terraform state files generated
by former versions of this project before they can be
used with the actual version. With this mechanism it is possible
to change the structure of the terraform project for new
versions without loosing cluster projects based on older
versions. Nevertheless there might still be changes that
cannot be migrated. The migration script then prompts
an information about the latest commit, that can be used
with the actual state version.
For this purpose the state structure used by this project is
versioned (in modules/instance/
). Running the
project generates a file structure_version
the actual version. Additionally the version is also
contained in the
The migration of the actual state file to the lastest structure version is done version by version until the actual version is reached.
The utility command apply
, plan
and tf
do the state migration if required. If terraform is called
manually the migration steps have be explicitly done by
using the migrate
utility command. It can always be called,
because it checks if an action is required before touching
the state file.
The migration command provides some utility functions
used by the migration script. After defining those functions
it just calls the migration script as regular shell script.
The utility functions are based on the state manipulation
sub commands of the terraform