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Ben Collerson edited this page Dec 21, 2022 · 2 revisions


Store your clipboard history using clipman clipboard manager without your KeePassXC passwords leaking into clipman.

Ensure these dependencies are installed (instructions for debian, other distros are left as an exercise...):

apt install clipman libmodern-perl-perl moreutils wl-clipboard

Change your command to launch dwl to something like the following:

dwl -s 'pee somebar dwl-getwindowtitle'

Ensure the following command is running in the background of your dwl session. Put it whereever your auto-started stuff is.

exec wl-paste -t text --watch dwl-clipman

This solution is based on the following reddit post, modified to support dwl.

Feel free to use this code however you want, but I can't guarantee it will work for what you are trying to do. Licenced under the same license as dwl, "WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND".



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