BlackMarket 2 is a mod for Factorio economics.
Sell and buy items/fluids/energy on the universal black market using trading chests/tanks/accumulators, choosing the frequency of exchanges and related fees. You can now sell your overproduction and buy things that you don't want to craft by yourself. You can also use these trading units as a paying shipment system.
- For selling and buying periods, the day is reset at noon, not at midnight. So if you sell once a day (24h period), sales will always occur around 12:00.
- You can choose to sell or buy immediatly, but the tax is high (by default anyway).
- Note that selling and buying frequencies are per chest. But you can also set them all at once from the main menu.
- You can choose to automatize each chest independantly. Bu you can also set them all automatic from the main menu (or disable them). You can also use the "pause" checkbox to pause the automatic transactions.
- When holding any item in your hand, the upper credit line shows the price of the item instead of your total credit.
- You can browse through the list of prices using the Show button.
- Prices of each item is determined using recipes, prices of ingredients, amortization of technology, cost of energy and a commercial margin. Basic resources value is 100u. There is a button to export a list of prices to the .factorio directory, in a CSV spreadsheet format.
- Remember that the price of an item is always greater than the sum of the prices of its ingredients. That's why you can do profit. You are selling your transformation work as an added value.
- There is an initial prices list construction lauched in background when you installed the mod or when you change other mods configuration, to detect new objects or non existing objects.
- Prices are dynamic : they evolve using a simplified law of supply and demand. The more players sell one object, the more its price decreases ; the more players buy one object, the more its price increases. This dynamic pricing is for the whole map, not only one force. When untouched, an object price return slowly to its original price.
- You can withdraw some cash from your account by buying Ucoins items : there is no fee on such a purchase, and you will get Ucoins items in return in the chest. You can use these Ucoins items to give money to a player from another force (using TradingChests mod for example). You can also deposit some cash on your account, selling Ucoins items with no fee.
- Add Combinator read market prices
- Add Transaction logs
- Add stats Graph / income vs. expenses
- Add support for factorio base game and space age DLC
- Support selling items with higher quality for higher price.
- multiplyer are below:
- normal -> 1x
- uncommon -> 2.1x
- rare -> 4.8x
- epic -> 10.5x
- legendary -> 35x
- multiplyer are below:
- TODO: Adds support to buy items with higher quality (2.0)
- Contributors graph
- @BinbinHfr, original mod creator
- @totobest, previous mod maintainer
- @djmango, current mod maintainer
- see LICENSE file
- Homepage: GitHub, Modpage
- email: