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How to use Jans Dejlige SQL Playground

Set up and run container

Build and run the docker compose images in the background:

docker compose up -d

Verify that the container docker-test-mysql-1, using the image mysql:latest is running by running the command

docker ps

Open an interactive terminal inside the aforementioned container

docker exec -it docker-test-mysql-1 /bin/bash

The command line should now look something like: bash-4.4#

Lazy shortcut if you don't want to below:

chmod +x /mnt/jans_sql_playground

Populate database

Populate the database just created by:

mysql -e 'source /mnt/jans_sql_script.sql'

Open an MySQL terminal, use the database just created and populated, and verify that it contains the expected data:

use dejlig_db;
select *
from person;

This query should output something that looks like this:

| id | first_name | last_name             | age |
|  1 | Jan        | Balin                 |  29 |
|  2 | Roman      | Grygorenko            |  33 |
|  3 | Martin     | Kedmenec              |  27 |
|  4 | Mathias    | Rune Agüero Andersen |  30 |

Time for joy

Now, to find out which languages these three champs speak, run the following command:

mysql -e 'source /mnt/jans_sql_query.sql'