You want to support the distrochooser? You can help us with a translation in your language!
- You can use the workflow decribed in
In general, you can use the Weblate instance anonymously, but there are some features, such as commenting which will require an account. If you wish to register, you can use GitHub or Email to sign up (Please note the privacy remarks below). You can use an alias/nickname etc. I won't require you to use a clear name!
You can find the current translations on
I will check multiple times per month if new translations are present. Once a translation reaches 100%, it will deployed to I will add your user handle to the contributor list as seen on If you want not to be listed/ listed with another name or have other questions feel free to open an issue or drop an email to the address listed below.
- If you contribute with an account, your email will be visible
Weblate currently seems not to support omitting the Email in Commits: WeblateOrg/weblate#6508
If you finished you can download your data and delete the account (if desired) on
If you have any other questions you want to discuss privately, feel free to drop a mail on
Thank you for your interest in contributing 🥳