What's Changed
This version brings a lot of new and powerful APIs to the SDK.
The main change that v0.6 brings is enabling the integration of Dispatch in applications that are not based on FastAPI. The top-level dispatch
package can now be used to create vanilla Dispatch applications:
import dispatch
# The .function decorator is available on the top-level package to
# declare functions that can be orchestrated by the scheduler.
def greet(who: str):
# The .run function runs the main event loop interacting with the
# scheduler. It takes an optional initialization function that will
# be called right before entering the event loop.
dispatch.run(lambda: greet.dispatch('me'))
New features
- Dispatch without FastAPI by @achille-roussel in #154
Other changes
- Remove mock server entry point by @chriso in #151
- Don't print verification key warning when running under Dispatch CLI by @chriso in #152
- Extract new proto fields by @chriso in #153
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0