This project is a demo project on how to configure a STM32L053R8 board with a S2LP StMicroelectronic solution for transmitting over Sigfox Network.
The project is used as a documentation for supporting a blog post. Check this blog post to understand how to use it. See here :
- A led is blinking - see Tag/Release STEP1
- Send a Sigfox Frame - see Tag/Release STEP2
- Send an encrypted Sigfox Frame with AES + SPECK32 encryption - see Tag/Release STEP3
- Send a Sigfox encrypted Frame using the Sigfox AES-CTR feature - see Tag/Release STEP4
The project have different tag for the different step of realization.
The master branch contains a working version of Sigfox communication working with Disk91 STM32 IoT SDK repository version >= 1.5.0
Clone this repository and open it with AC6 environment See here on how to install it
Clone the Disk91 STM32 IoT SDK repository in the Project root directory to add the needed sdk dependencies.
The Cube MX configuration is provided in the project. Some important key point for custom confguration
- EXTI interrupt needs to be activated
- S2LP/GPIO3 -> PC0 have a pull-up
This code and ItSdk are under GPLv3. You can use it freely, you can modify, redistribute but you must to publish your source code. Other licenses can be obtained by contacting me on