Just a toy language that is heavily inspired by PI
- Basic check if a file is valid including line endings and characters used
- Basic math operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
- Assign values to variables and print them.
- Create variables, use variables and do math / logic in one line
- Basic if statements
If you found a bug, please create a new issue.
The issue must contain a gist with the minimal pifuck code to reproduce the issue.
Pull requests are welcome!
Before you open a pull request make sure that every example in the examples folder is working correctly!
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
PI | Thing |
3. | line ending |
3.1 | Variable |
3.14 | Start if statement |
3.141 | Start for loop |
3.1415 | + |
3.14159 | - |
3.141592 | * |
3.1415926 | / |
3.14159265 | end LineManager |
3.141592653 | start foreach |
3.1415926535 | Call function |
3.14159265358 | == |
3.141592653589 | != |
3.1415926535897 | > |
3.14159265358979 | < |
+ | user input |
-- | Include file |
** | Declare function |
- Lines always ends with:
- If a line does not assign to a variable it will be printed.
- To have string in pifuck you must place it between
like so:+example+
. Note: You can't use spaces in strings! - See the examples folder for more pifuck :)
- Sum:
+3+ 3.1415 +3+ 3.
- Subtract:
+3+ 3.14159 +3+ 3.
- Multiply:
+3+ 3.141592 +3+ 3.
- Divide:
+3+ 3.1415926 +3+ 3.
Variables can contain a boolean, BigDecimal or string. It is also possible to initialize a variable so you can use it later.
- Assign to variable:
3.1 +variableName+ 3.1 +true+ 3.
- Print a variable:
+variableName+ 3.
- Advanced variable:
3.1 +name+ 3.1 +15+ 3.1415 +15 3.+
- equals:
+TestBoolean+ 3.14159265358 +TestBoolean+ 3.
- !equals:
+TestBoolean+ 3.141592653589 +TestBoolean+ 3.
- greater:
+TestBoolean+ 3.1415926535897 +TestBoolean+ 3.
- smaller:
+TestBoolean+ 3.14159265358979 +TestBoolean+ 3.
- Start block:
3.14 +testValueOrVariable+ 3.
- Foreach iterates over target and stores temp value in Variable. (skips 0 and include == target)
3.141592653 +target+ +Variable+ 3.
- For loop:
3.141 value logicOperator value value mathOperator value 3.
3.141 +value1+ 3.1415926535897 +value2+ +value2+ 3.1415 +2.0+ 3.