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C implementations of some graph algorithms for shortest paths and minimal spanning trees

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Graph Algorithms

C implementations of various important algorithms in graph theory for shortest paths and minimal spanning trees. Run make or make all to compile. This will produce the following executables:

  • dijkstra (make dijkstra)
  • prim (make prim)
  • kruskal (make kruskal)
  • bellmanford (make bellmanford)

Then run them the regular way, e.g., ./dijsktra or optionally with one of the provided sample graphs like so - ./prim < samplegraph1.txt


  • Source
    • graph_input.c - Graph input code that is a common dependency for all the other driver files
    • dijkstra.c - Implementation of Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm with a priority queue
    • prim.c - Implementation of Prim's algorithm to find minimal spanning trees
    • kruskal.c - Implementation of Kruskal's algorithm to find minimal spanning trees with the Union-Find data structure
    • bellmanford.c - Implementation of Bellman-Ford single-source shortest path algorithm with negative edges
  • Sample graphs
    • samplegraph1.txt
      • Undirected weighted graph to test with Dijkstra's, Prim's, Kruskal's and Bellman-Ford
      • Illustrates that shortest paths and minimal spanning trees are not the same problem because Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford give a different result from Prim's and Kruskal's
    • samplegraph2.txt
      • Directed graph with negative weights and a negative cycle to test with Bellman-Ford
      • Shows that Bellman-Ford can detect a negative cycle
      • Running Dijkstra's on this sample graph will break it because the graph input program loops till it gets a non-negative edge weight
      • Prim's and Kruskal's do not run on directed graphs
    • samplegraph3.txt
      • Directed graph with negative weights with no negative cycle to test with Bellman-Ford
      • Outputs shortest paths with negative weights since there is no negative cycle
      • Does not run with Dijkstra's, Prim's and Kruskal's for the reasons described above

Time Complexity

The graphs are represented with a O(N) list of node names and an O(N^2) edge matrix. This representation made sense because in a toy application like this, I expected to be dealing with denser and smaller graphs rather than large, sparse ones.

  • Graph input program: O(N^2)
  • Dijkstra's algorithm: O(N^2)
    • newPriorityQueue: O(N)
    • Main loop executes O(N) times because it runs until every node is visited
      • allNodesVisited: O(N)
      • extractMinDistance: O(N)
      • Inner for loop executes O(N) times because it checks for an edge with every node
        • validNeighbour: O(1)
        • changeDistance: O(1)
      • changeDistance: O(1)
  • Prim's algorithm: O(N^2)
    • This algorithm is implemented almost exactly like Dijkstra's and thus has the same time complexity
  • Kruskal's algorithm: O(M*N^2)
    • newUnionFind: O(N)
    • Main loop executes O(M) times because it runs until every edge is visited
      • allEdgesVisited: O(N^2)
      • Inner loops run in O(N^2)
      • Find: O(1)
      • Union: O(N)
      • deleteEdge: O(1)
  • Bellman-Ford algorithm: O(N^3)
    • Initializing distances and previous arrays: O(N)
    • Main loop executes O(N^3) times
    • The loop to check for negative cycles runs in O(N^2)

As usual, N = number of nodes, M = number of edges.


C implementations of some graph algorithms for shortest paths and minimal spanning trees







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