Welcome to Node-Fest : The Fastest E2E Framework for Software blackbox testing.
Node-fest provides simplest unified automation framework for API, WEB, Android, IOS and WS testing.Yyou can write a high-quality e2e automation test in a very simple compact way without any code.
- Allow to be extermely productive - You can write 100 of E2E per hours
- Write exteramlly compact test with with few possible charecter(Everyline of the textcase file should be one complete test case)
- Allow write test without any code - You just need to follow some syntax.
- it takes 1/10000000 efforts to write a testcase than the feature dev.
sudo npm install node-fest -g
Using node-fest, you would be super productive while writing a test case for your product.
First, You should create a test case file which holds all the test case. Then, you should keep writing testcases in that file. Each file consist of number of instruction separated by =>. So thus it looks like like insertion1 => instruction2 => instruction3.
Each instruction consists of ACTION and ARGUMENTS seperated by the comma. For example, open, https://google.com will open google. You can go throw the below example to see how you should be writing the test case.
We support following feature:
- Perfrom Action like button click and Click and Enter
- Inputing text: You can add inputs in into the form
- Managing alerts: You can press ok or cancel in the alarts.
- Mangaing DOM attributes: You can set or verify the attibute of a DOM elements.
- Cookies: You should be able to do set, verify or delete cookies.
- Managing windows: You should be open new windows and switch between two windows.
- WebRequest: You can make XHR GET or POST request in a single line.
## Sample comments
## Note: We use two # to indicate comments as a single hash can be inside selector
open, ## Please make sure you run the live server from the VS code.
## Validate Text.
=> verifyBodyText, verifyBodyText ## This text is present
=> verifyNoBodyText, verifyNoXXXBodyText ## This text is not present
=> verifyText, .a, classA ## This text is present
=> verifyText, .b, classB ## This text is present
=> verifyText, #c, IdC ## This text is present
=> verifyText, #d .c p, Id_D_CLASS_C_TAG_P ## This text is present
=> wait, 500 ## wait for 500 ms
## Action
=> click, #act1 button
=> verifyBodyText, Button clicked 1
=> click, #act1 button
=> click, #act1 a
=> verifyBodyText, Button clicked 2
=> clickWaitVerify, #act1 button, 10, Button clicked 3
=> clickWaitVerify, #act1 button, 10, Button clicked 4
## Inputs
=> input, #inp1 input, hello
=> clickWaitVerify, #inp1 button, 10, input is hello
=> input, #inp1 input, hello2
=> clickWaitVerify, #inp1 button, 10, input is hello2
=> inputWithEnter, #inp1 input, hello3
=> verifyBodyText, input is hello3
## Attribute
=> verifyAttr, #atr1 a, href, https://google.com/
=> setAttr, #atr1 a, href, https://yahoo.com/
=> verifyAttr, #atr1 a, href, https://yahoo.com/
## alert
=> click, #alert button
=> alert, ok
=>verifyBodyText, alert return ok
=> click, #alert button
=> alert, cancel
=>verifyBodyText, alert return cancel
## Cookie
=> cookie, verify, debug, 1 ## By default you have a cookie for debug as 1
=> cookie, set, name, dipankar ## Setting a cookie
=> cookie, verify, name, dipankar ## getting a cookie
=> cookie, delete, name ## Delete a cookie
=> cookie, verify, name, undefined ## After delete, please verify
## Switching Context Functionality ( Supporting multiple windows nav)
=> open, http://google.com, Window1 ## Open Google in Windows 1
=> open, http://yahoo.com, Window2, ## Open Yahoo in Window 2
=> switch, Window1 ## Go back to windows of google and check.
=> verifyTitle, Google,
=> switch, Window2
=> verifyTitle, Yahoo is now a part of Verizon Media,
=> switch, main
=> verifyTitle, TEST,
## Web Request
=> network_get, http://simplestore.dipankar.co.in/api/test/insert?name=dip, success
## THIS WILL NOT WORK AS , will split it=> network_post, http://simplestore.dipankar.co.in/api/test/insert, {"name":"dip", "roll":10},success#
## => network_post, http://simplestore.dipankar.co.in/api/test/insert, {"name":"dip"},success
Now, You are ready to run test case by : $ node-fest -f ./testcase.txt
Under dev -- not yet supported
Under dev -- not yet supported
If you running WS sever, you can test the message communication with multiple clients, here are the supported comand.
## Consider creating three websocket connection to a server
=> context => server => wss://echo.websocket.org
=> connect => {{server}} => id1
=> connect => {{server}} => id2
=> connect => {{server}} => id3
## Send the message on first websocket
## And verify other two connection got the resp
=> send => {{id1}} => payload-A1
=> send => {{id1}} => payload-A2
=> send => {{id2}} => payload-B1
=> send => {{id3}} => payload-C1
=> check_recv => {{id1}} => payload-A1
=> check_recv => {{id1}} => payload-A2
=> check_recv => {{id2}} => payload-B1
=> check_recv => {{id3}} => payload-C1
## disconnect all websocket
=> disconnect => {{id1}}
=> disconnect => {{id2}}
=> disconnect => {{id3}}
## If you try to send one it will give error
# => send => {{id1}} => payload1
# => check_recv => {{id1}} => error
The whole pupose of this freamwork to be productive by quickly writing testcase in very compact way.
- there should be one and only one testcase file called testcase.txt.
- Each line of this testcase file would be a test case.
- Each test case conatins a sequence of events like open a page or click a button is an evenets, seperated by =>. e.f evnet1 => event2 => evenet3 ..
- each events can either be an "action" or an "verify" and a collection of arguments, seperated by ":". For example: open: is a an event where "open" is the name of the event and is the url to be open.