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Set runtime values service

Jens Østergaard Nielsen edited this page Nov 19, 2017 · 1 revision

The ihc platform will register 3 services in home assistant:

  • set_runtime_value_bool
  • set_runtime_value_int
  • set_runtime_value_bool

You can use these to set value in the ihc controller from your automations.

Here is an example of how to get a thermostat temperature into ihc:

- id: badtemp
  alias: badtemp
    - platform: event
      event_type: state_changed
        entity_id: climate.bad_wall_thermostat_1
    - service: logbook.log
    - service: ihc.set_runtime_value_float
        ihcid: 2210580
        value: '{{ states.climate.bad_wall_thermostat_1.attributes.current_temperature }}'

The automation will trigger when the climate.bad_wall_thermostat_1 changes, and set the float value for ihc id 2210580 (This is a temperature input to a function block in the ihc project)

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