my latex cheats and templates
texlive-full has enormous size (1Gb+) and lots of packages
this is the best works out of the box bet while ubuntu latex has no package manager (windows has one...)
#sudo aptitude install -y texlive
sudo aptitude install -y texlive-full
easy to user latex editor:
sudo aptitude install -y texmaker
- media: everything that is not a tex file, such as an image or table
- _aux: auxiliary tex compilation files.
- _out: output files such as pdf
while using those two directories adds some complexity to compilation, they clear up the main dir so much that I decided to use them anyways
when starting new projects, copy this template
cheatsheet of lots of latex commands
both cheatsheet and template for new projects
it is much easier to edit tables in libreoffice or other spreadsheet applications since its much easier to keep things alligned
give a lable to every table, and then name the tables as label.ods so that corresponding tables can be found afterwards for further editing
- .gitignore from
how to add hrule after every environment
how to create theorem environments with label (bold Theorem thing at beginning) given in source and not in definition
how to center all rows in a tabular without specifying how many rows are there ([c] instead of [ccccc], which might change afterwards)