A react hook for scrolling to DOM elements
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You have a component which renders a DOM element you wish to be able to scroll to and you need a scrolling function to call
import React from 'react';
import useRefScroller from 'use-ref-scroller';
function MyComponent() {
// using the hook without arguments will scroll the element to the center of the
// window's viewport
// alias elRef to myDiv for easier usage if having multiple elements
// in the same component
const { elRef: myDiv, scroll } = useRefScroller();
return (
<button onClick={scroll}>Scroll</button>
<div ref={myDiv}>
`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum efficitur, massa vitae consectetur egestas, justo magna
facilisis arcu, non accumsan lacus ipsum sit amet nisl.`
interface ScrollOpts {
// Offset in percentage of the element's client dimentions
// default is to scroll to center the element in the scrolling pane, hence 50%
percentOfElement?: number;
//The offset in pixels, whch will be added to the percentage of the element
offsetPX?: number;
// Whether to run the scroll on mounting
onMount?: boolean;
// The scrollable container in which the ref element is scrolling
container?: any;
// default is the center of the scrolling container, hence 50%
percentOfContainer?: number;
// ScrollDirections.Vertical is the default setting, pass ScrollDirections.Horizontal to override it
direction?: ScrollDirections;
// scroll the element to the beginning of the screen horizontally
const { elRef, scroll } = useRefScroller({ percentOfElement: 0, percentOfContainer: 0 });
// scroll the center of the element to the center of the screen, after the first render
const { elRef, scroll } = useRefScroller({ onMount: true });
// scroll the element 200px from the bottom
const { elRef, scroll } = useRefScroller({ offsetPx: -200, percentOfContainer: 100 });