The goal of insidecpp11 is to do fast point in polygon classification, with cpp11.
We are comparing a few ways of implementing this, essentially O’Rourke Ch 7 and assuming bbox cull upstream, and ring classification down (for hole status).
polyclip or cgal is the fastest
coords = structure(c(0.191915028329653, 0.242440023683676,
0.435140005964137, 0.750039977007818, 0.794689972902072,
0.569089993646897, 0.308240017633102, 0.191915028329653,
0.303924266802157, 0.661208259237305, 0.7774331724391,
0.725777655460525, 0.340513591328648, 0.179090100770599,
0.224288678126852, 0.303924266802157), .Dim = c(8L, 2L
pts <- structure(c(0.193090028221607, 0.134340033623905, 0.194265028113561,
0.358765012987125, 0.527964997428506, 0.829939969660693, 0.896914963502072,
0.146805402658989, 0.461043130945324, 0.74514847432749, 0.626771247918254,
0.306076580009597, 0.187699353600361, 0.506241708301578), .Dim = c(7L,
2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y")))
insidecpp11::inside_cpp11(pts, coords)
#> [1] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
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