Team Members
- Dillon Friel
- Stephen Colfer
- Neil McKimm
This is a web application designed to provide real time information for the availability of bikes at the stations around Dublin city. The user can see a map of all the stations as well as viewing the amount of bikes/stands available at each one. Weather information and average occupancy is also available to assist the user in planning a journey for a certain time of day.
The files can be downloaded and run using:
$ git clone
$ cd dublinbikes/dublinbikes
$ python
Then open localhost:5000 in your browser to view the webpage. Clicking on a station marker will show the necessary information and provide more options.
Test file can be run using pytest:
$ pytest -s
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
Information was used from Dublinbikes and the JCDecauxAPI.