sigmsg is a python implementation of a client using signal-cli. You can find other client implementations on the signal-cli wiki.
- signal-cli docker: Relies directly on signal-cli docker builds instead of a lengthy install
- Utilizes the json-rpc capability of signal-cli (and therefore, sockets to communicate with signal-cli)
- Utilizes aiohttp to receive external commands
Installation assumes you have git, docker, python, pip and/or virtualenv installed
# pull the repo
git clone
# go into the repo
cd sigmsg
# start the docker image (prefix with sudo if needed)
docker compose up --build
# login to the docker shell to run signal-cli commands (prefix with sudo if needed)
docker exec -u 0 -it signal-cli /bin/bash
# perform the steps to setup your phone with signal-cli -- example using linking below, more options @ under "Usage"
signal-cli link -n "seconddevice" | tee >(xargs -L 1 qrencode -t utf8)
# load the packages used to run the program
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Then make sure to modify the config.yaml with your specific host, port, phone number, etc...
mv config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
# start the program
# send a REST API request to the server (e.g., localhost:8080) to send a message to your phone number of choice (e.g., +12345678901)
curl -X POST localhost:8080 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{"recipients": ["+12345678901"], "message": "hi"}'