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canton v2.8.12

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@canton-machine canton-machine released this 24 Jan 08:40
· 1 commit to main since this release

Release of Canton 2.8.12

Canton 2.8.12 has been released on January 24, 2025. You can download the Daml Open Source edition from the Daml Connect Github Release Section. The Enterprise edition is available on Artifactory.
Please also consult the full documentation of this release.


This is a maintenance release that fixes one high and five medium severity issues. Please update during the next maintenance window.

What’s New

Memory check during node startup

A memory check has been introduced when starting the node. This check compares the memory allocated to the container
with the -Xmx JVM option.
The goal is to ensure that the container has sufficient memory to run the application.
To configure the memory check behavior, add one of the following to your configuration:

canton.parameters.startup-memory-check-config = warn  // Default behavior: Logs a warning.
canton.parameters.startup-memory-check-config = crash // Terminates the node if the check fails.
canton.parameters.startup-memory-check-config = ignore // Skips the memory check entirely.

Minor Improvements

  • Fixed one issue preventing a participant to connect to an old domain even if they support a common protocol version.
  • Fixed a minor issue where the validUntil time of the topology transaction results was incorrectly set to validFrom
    on the console client side.
  • Disabled the onboarding timeout for participants to support onboarding to domains with very large topology states
    without annoying warnings and timeouts.
  • Removed warnings about failing periodic acknowledgements during initial domain onboarding of participants.
  • Removed warnings about unhealthy sequencers during startup.


(24-022, Medium): Participant replica does not clear package service cache

Issue Description

When a participant replica becomes active, it does not refresh the package dependency cache. If a vetting attempt is
made on the participant that fails because the package is not uploaded, the "missing package" response is cached.
If the package is then uploaded to another replica, and we switch to the original participant, this package service
cache will still record the package as nonexistent. When the package is used in a transaction, we will get a local
model conformance error as the transaction validator cannot find the package, whereas other parts of the participant
that don't use the package service can successfully locate it.

Affected Deployments


Affected Versions

2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.4


Replica crashes during transaction validation.


Validating participant emits warning:

LOCAL_VERDICT_FAILED_MODEL_CONFORMANCE_CHECK(5,a2b60642): Rejected transaction due to a failed model conformance check: UnvettedPackages

And then emits an error:

An internal error has occurred.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mediator approved a request that we have locally rejected


Restart recently active replica.


Likely to happen in any replicated participant setup with frequent vetting attempts and switches between active and
passive replicated participants between those vetting attempts.


Users are advised to upgrade to the next patch release during their maintenance window.

(24-028, Medium): ACS export and party replication is broken after hard domain migration

Issue Description

The macros for the various steps for migrating a party look up domain parameters in the topology store, but don't filter
out irrelevant domains. This results in the macro throwing an error because it finds multiple domain parameters after a
hard domain migration, even though one of them comes from an inactive domain.

Affected Deployments


Affected Versions

2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.5


You cannot migrate a party to or from a participant that went through a hard domain migration.


Calling repair.party_migration.step1_store_acs fails with the error "Found more than one (2) domain parameters set for
the given domain and time!".


The non-self-service work-around is to not call the party migration macros but replicate what these macros do.


The issue consistently occurs when calling the party migration macros after a hard domain migration.


Upgrade the involved participant nodes to the next patch release: 2.8.12 or 2.9.6.

(24-029, Medium): Domain topology manager gets stuck on too large batches

Issue Description

An off by one check fails in the topology dispatcher of the domain manager as
batches are not limited to N but to N+1, while we check for N.

Affected Deployments

Domain and Domain topology manager nodes.

Affected Versions

All versions before 2.8, 2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.5


Topology transactions stop being propagated through the system.


Participants cannot onboard to domains, parties do not appear on the domain, uploaded dars cannot be used.


Restart domain topology manager.


Can happen under high topology management load which is rather unusual (adding thousands of parties at full speed).


Update during the next maintenance window.

(25-001, Medium): Newly onboarded participants may compute a wrong topology state during bootstrapping

Issue Description

When a participant is onboarded to a domain, the domain manager will send the topology state to the participant. The
topology state is split into batches of 100. If the state contains an add and a subsequent remove of a topology transaction,
and these two topology transactions are in the same batch (so less than 100 transactions apart), but the namespace certificate
or identifier delegation is in a previous batch, then the participant will miss the removal of the topology transaction.
In the common cases, the namespace delegation is always followed by a subsequent add, but it can happen.

Affected Deployments


Affected Versions

All versions before 2.8, 2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.5


Depends on the type of topology transaction, but the result is a fork in the topology state, which in a rare but theoretically
possible case (observer nodes and participant using previously removed parties) might create a ledger fork, leading to
participants disconnecting from the domain.


If the missed transaction was a mediator domain state, then the participant will fail to submit transactions whenever it
randomly selects the non-existent mediator.


No workaround available. Manually repairing the topology state is likely possible, but not recommended.


Happens deterministically if the conditions are met, but the conditions are rare and require a specific sequence of
events with removal of topology state.


Upgrade before removing topology state (disabling parties, rolling keys) or onboarding a new participant to a domain
with a larger number of topology transactions that includes removals.

(25-002, Medium): Intermediate certificate renewal will delete topology state

Issue Description

A Canton node uses topology keys to sign topology transactions. The ultimate trust is tied to the root node key,
which by default is held by the node, but can be moved offline. In such a case, the node may use an intermediate
certificate to manage the topology state. In order to renew such intermediate certificates, the topology state needs
to be re-issued in 2.x, which can be done using the convenience function node.topology.all.renew(oldKey, newKey).
The convenience function contains an error that will instead of renewing the topology state, delete topology transactions
of the type party to participant, mediator domain state and participant domain state (the ones that contain the
replaceExisting flag).

Affected Deployments

Domain, Domain manager, Participant nodes.

Affected Versions

All versions before 2.8, 2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.5


Some of the topology state will be removed after running this operation.


Parties, participants and mediators will be missing after running the operation.


Manually re-add the missing parties, participants and mediators.


Deterministic if the convenience function is used.


Upgrade before renewing intermediate certificates.

(25-003, High): Identifier delegation cannot be renewed

Issue Description

A Canton node uses topology keys to sign topology transactions. The ultimate trust is tied to the root node key,
which by default is held by the node, but can be moved offline. In such a case, the node may use an intermediate
certificate to manage the topology state. If such an intermediate certificate is used to sign an identifier delegation
(used as an intermediate certificate for a specific uid), then the identifier delegation cannot be renewed,
as the renewal operation will remove the old and the new certificate from the in-memory state. Unfortunately,
after a restart, the certificate could be loaded again which can cause a ledger fork.

Affected Deployments

Domain, Domain manager, Participant nodes.

Affected Versions

All versions before 2.8, 2.8.0-2.8.11, 2.9.0-2.9.5


The topology state signed with a particular key authorized by an identifier delegation will be removed from the state,
and the key cannot be used to sign new transactions. After a restart of a node, the key would be loaded again, leading
to a possible ledger fork.


Topology state missing after an intermediate certificate renewal, with a possible subsequent ledger fork after a restart.


Theoretically issue a new identifier delegation for a new key and re-create the topology state. In practice, upgrade
all nodes before renewing intermediate certificates.


Deterministic if several intermediate certificates are used and one of them is rolled in the chain.


Update all nodes to a version with a fix before renewing intermediate certificates.


The following Canton protocol versions are supported:

Dependency Version
Canton protocol versions 3, 4, 5

Canton has been tested against the following versions of its dependencies:

Dependency Version
Java Runtime OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.70+15-CA (build 11.0.22+7-LTS, mixed mode)
Postgres Recommended: PostgreSQL 12.22 (Debian 12.22-1.pgdg120+1) – Also tested: PostgreSQL 11.16 (Debian 11.16-1.pgdg90+1), PostgreSQL 13.18 (Debian 13.18-1.pgdg120+1), PostgreSQL 14.15 (Debian 14.15-1.pgdg120+1), PostgreSQL 15.10 (Debian 15.10-1.pgdg120+1)
Oracle 19.20.0