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Manages a go-ipfs instance maintaining the private network swarm key based on the value from a sqnc-node instance.

Local development

install dependencies

npm i

start substrate node

docker compose up -d // -d for silent

start ipfs nodejs wrapper

npm run dev

Environment Variables

sqnc-ipfs is configured primarily using environment variables as follows:

variable required default description
SERVICE_TYPE N sqnc-ipfs Service type to appear in logs
PORT N 80 The port for the API to listen on
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
NODE_HOST Y Hostname of the sqnc-node to use as the swarm key source
NODE_PORT N 9943 Websocket port of the sqnc-node to use as the swarm key source
IPFS_PATH N /ipfs IPFS data storage path
IPFS_EXECUTABLE N ipfs Executable to use to run go-ipfs
IPFS_ARGS N ["daemon"] JSON array of strings to pass as arguments to the IPFS_EXECUTABLE
IPFS_LOG_LEVEL N info Log level of the go-ipfs child process