Why dont you visit my application ? https://mira-front-brown.vercel.app/
"Mira" is a project that brings together arts, artists and galleries in one place. There, you can access galleries from all over Brazil, view and buy their works.
in short, it is an art marketplace with the following features:
- Login and Sign Up
- Search bar
- Gallery Page
- Art Page
- Cart
- Checkout
The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of the project:
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
npm install npm@latest -g
Create a root project folder named mira
mkdir mira
Clone the front-end repo
git clone https://github.com/digdiego13/Mira_front.git
Install NPM packages for the front-end repo
npm install
Use NPM start to use the application on your localhost
npm start
(you have to clone the Mira_backend repository too [https://github.com/angelicacavalheiro/Mira] and statrt the dev application (read the "READ.ME" archive on backend repository) Or, you can see the deploy on https://mira-front-brown.vercel.app/
if you want to test E2E with cypress, run
npx cypress open
then there you can run "loginAndRegistration" and "navegationArt" tests.