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Docker Static Maps API

Build & Publish

A containerized web version for staticmaps with express.

Table of Contents


To get a static map from the endpoint /staticmaps several prameters have to be provided.

  • center - Center coordinates of the map in the format lon, lat
  • zoom - Set the zoom level for the map.
  • width - default 300 - Width in pixels of the final image
  • height - default 300 - Height in pixels of the final image
  • format - default png (e.g. png, jpg or webp)
  • basemap - default osm - Map base layer


For different basemaps docker-staticmaps is using exisiting tile-services from various providers. Be sure to check their Terms of Use for your use case or use a custom tileserver with the tileUrl parameter!


With the parameter polyline you can add a polyline to the map in the following format:


  • polylineCoord - required - in format lat,lon and seperated by |. Atleast two locations are needed to draw a polyline.

The polylineStyle consists of the following two parameters separated by |.

  • weight - default 5 - Weight of the polyline in pixels, e.g. weight:5
  • color - default blue -24-Bit-color hex value, e.g. color:0000ff

If no center is specified, the polyline will be centered.

Usage example

Polyline with no zoom, weight:6 and color:0000ff


Polyline with no zoom


With the parameter polygon you can add a polgon to the map in the following format:


  • polygonCoord - required - in format lat,lon and seperated by |. Atleast two locations are needed to draw a polyline. First and last locations have to be the same to close the polygon.

The polygonStyle consists of the following two parameters separated by |.

  • color - default blue -24-Bit-color hex value, e.g. color:4874db
  • weight - default 5 - Weight of the polygon in pixels, e.g. weight:5
  • fill - default green -24-Bit-color hex value, e.g. fill:eb7a34

If no center is specified, the polygon will be centered.

Usage example

Polygon with no zoom, color:4874db,weight:7 and fill:eb7a3


polygon with no zoom


With the parameter markers you can draw one or multiple markers depending on how much pair of coordinates you pass to the parameter


  • markerCoord - required - in format lat,lon and separated by |. Atleast one coordinate is needed to draw a marker.

If no center is specified, the markers will be centered.

Usage example

Two markers


Markers with no zoom


With the parameter circle you can add a circle to the map in the following format:


  • circleCoord - required - in format lat,lon and separated by |. Atleast one locations is needed to draw a marker.

The circleStyle consists of the following parameters seperated by |.

  • radius - required - Circle radius in meter, e.g. radius:500
  • color - default #0000bb - Stroke color of the circle, e.g. color:#0000bb
  • width - default 3 - Stroke width of the circle, e.g. width:3
  • fill - default #AA0000 - Fill color of the circle, e.g. fill:#AA0000

If no center is specified, the circle will be centered.

Usage example

Circle with no zoom


No zoom, polyline=true, markers=false

More usage examples

Minimal example: `center` and `zoom`


Minimal example: only center

`width=500`, `height=500`, `center=-73.99515,40.76761`, zoom=10`, `format=webp`, `basemap=carto-voyager`


example request 2

Markers and Polyline


No zoom, polyline and marker`


with Docker

docker run -d  --name='docker-staticmaps' -p '80:3000/tcp' ''
    container_name: docker-staticmaps
    restart: always
      - "80:3000"

with Node.js

git clone
npm i
npm run start