is a bash script that will wait on the availability of a given couchbase bucket or design document. It is useful for synchronizing the spin-up of interdependent services, such as linked docker containers.
relies on jsawk to parse JSON responses from couchbase. This jsawk
script depends on js
interpreter, which should be installed as well. See jsawk for more details.
wait-fot-cb.sh [options] [-- COMMAND]
-h, --host HOST Couchbase host or IP
-p, --port PORT Couchbase TCP port
-b, --bucket BUCKET_NAME Couchbase bucket name
-d, --design-doc DESIGN_DOC_NAME Design Document name
-u, --user USER Couchbase admin username
-P, --password PASSWORD Couchbase admin password
-a, --jsawk JSAWK_PATH jsawk binary path. Defaults to $PATH/jsawk
-j, --js JS_PATH js engine binary path (e.g. spidermonkey). Defaults to $PATH/js
-t, --attempts ATTEMPTS Attempts before failing. Defaults to 3