🔨 Tool to investigate files with different encoding than passed
$ npm install -g encoding-checker
$ encoding-checker --help
Usage: index [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --directory <d> path to directory which will be analyze (default: ".")
-i, --ignore-encoding <e> name of encoding which will be ignore in results list
Command run in current project on my device:
$ encoding-checker -d .
[binary] ./.DS_Store
[us-ascii] ./README.md
[us-ascii] ./bin/index.js
[us-ascii] ./index.js
[us-ascii] ./package.json
[us-ascii] ./src/index.js
[us-ascii] ./test/unit/jasmine.json
[us-ascii] ./test/unit/specs/test.index.js
[us-ascii] ./wallaby.js
[us-ascii] ./yarn.lock
The MIT License @ 2015