This code is some test about using CNTK framework's evaluate performance, compare with OpenCV DNN module using caffe model.
- CNTK v2.2 (CNTK.GPU)
- Python 3.6.3
- OpenCv (opencv-python)
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
- Windows 10 Pro 64bit
- Intel Core i7-7820HQ @ 2.90GHz
- nVidia Quadro M1200
Deep Residual Networks a.k.a ResNet, this test choose ResNet50_ImageNet pre-trained model to test.
- CNTK model : CNTK Pre-trained Models
- Caffe model : Deep Residual Networks
In this solution, we have 3 projects for 3 diffetent test.
- CntkEvaluatePerformance : Evaluate with CNTK in C#.
- PythonCntk : Evaluate with CNTK in python.
- PythonOpencvDnn : Evaluate with OpenCv DNN in python.
Most code are almost follow example to keep it simple.
Evaluate one image in CNTK does 7 times slower than evaluate in OpenCv DNN, Why ?