A simple demo for the exploration of DevOps applied to Java project. POC stand for "Proof of Concept".
Files and folders.
├───src # Folder of source files
│ ├───main
│ │ ├───java # Folder of java source code
│ │ │ └───...
│ │ └───resources # Folder of project resources and configurations
│ │ ├───application.properties # Configuration of application
│ │ ├───logback.xml # Configuration of logs
│ │ └───lombok.config # Configuration of Lombok library
│ └───test # Folder of tests
│ ├───java # Folder of java source code for unit tests
│ │ └───...
│ └───jmeter # TODO - Folder of JMeter's tests (performance tests, end-to-end tests, integration tests)
├───docs # Folder of documentation files
│ ├───design # Directory with functional and technical documentation (swagger, datasource model, swagger, sequence diagrams, etc)
│ │ └───sequenceDiagram # Directory with sequence diagrams of flows
│ ├───installationGuide.md # Installation Guide of the project
│ └───releaseNote_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_id.md# Release Notes (version, new/fixed files, test of new feature/fix)
├───.gitignore # File for Git ignore
├───Dockerfile # File of Docker image configuration
├───Dockerignore # File of Docker image ignored configuration files (e.g.: gitignore, readme, target, etc)
├───Jenkinsfile # File of Pipeline configurations for Jenkins build
├───mvnw # File of Maven Wrapper scripts for Linux environments
├───mvnw.cmd # File of Maven Wrapper scripts for Windows environments
├───pom.xml # File of Project Object Model (POM) definition for Maven build
└───README.md # File of tecnical documentation of the project
The documentation has been written in the OpenAPI/Swagger format and is available:
- as example in the swagger.yaml file.
- as updated document created dynamically by the java project by running the instance of the project and reaching:
- SWAGGER-JSON: http:///v3/api-docs
- SWAGGER-UI: http:///swagger-ui/index.html where can be localhost:8080.
The swagger can be also visualized as HTML page using one of those options:
A Postman collection is available in the [POC DevOps Java.postman_collection.json](docs/design/POC DevOps Java.postman_collection.json) file.
An example of Sequence diagram is available in the design directory.
See the installationGuide.md file.
See the latest releaseNote file into the docs directory if any available.
See the Redmine/Asana/Jira/RTC for issues and backlog. [x] Build on Jenkins. [ ] Installation on Rancher. [x] Simple Installation. [ ] Authomated Installation. [ ] Custom PORT Installation. [ ] Spring Boot Actuator [ ] Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator [ ] Make an HTTP call to external APIs. [ ] Make an HTTP call to APIs inside Rancher. [ ] Use Datasource (mySQL).
Name | Description | |
Team name | Who we are | contact@us.now |
Of the full component and of third parties components.
File created from the README_template_v.1.0