This repo contains a Python app that shows you how to implement the AWS reference architecture for Saga orchestration using Catalyst Workflow.
Catalyst Workflow is a fully managed durable exection engine built on top of the open-source Dapr project. With Catalyst Workflow on AWS you can implement the saga pattern via orchestration and get the following benefits:
- Use any AWS compute service available, including ECS, AppRunner, EC2 etc.
- Use a fully managed Diagrid state store for workflow execution state, or bring your own
- Use any messaging service for downstream notifications, from Diagrid's managed pub/sub to your own Kafka, SQS etc.
- End to end observability with API logs, metrics and more
- A workflow execution UI that allows you to dig into each activity's execution status
- A single and consistent polyglot programming model that runs anywhere
- Local debugging without needing emulators or Docker containers
Note: You can run Catalyst Workflow on any cloud or compute environment including your local machine
The following services, tools, and frameworks are required for this demo:
- Diagrid Catalyst account (sign up for private beta access) and the Diagrid CLI
- Python 3.8 or later
Create a new Catalyst project named catalyst-workflow
and use the Diagrid managed pub/sub broker & KV store, and enable the managed workflow API:
diagrid project create catalyst-workflow --deploy-managed-pubsub --deploy-managed-kv --enable-managed-workflow --wait
To set this project as the default in the CLI run:
diagrid project use catalyst-workflow
Create a new App ID for our reservations app:
diagrid appid create reservations
In the root of the Python app, set the project URLs and API token for Catalyst:
export DAPR_HTTP_ENDPOINT=$(diagrid project get -o json | jq -r '.status.endpoints.http.url')
export DAPR_GRPC_ENDPOINT=$(diagrid project get -o json | jq -r '.status.endpoints.http.url')
export DAPR_API_TOKEN=$(diagrid appid get reservations -o json | jq -r '.status.apiToken')
All done! Now you can run the app, issue a JSON request and see the workflow run to completion:
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"first_name": "hello", "last_name": "there", "location": "spain", "car_class": "compact"}' 'http://localhost:5000/reserveFlight'
You can containerize this code and run it on any container based environment:
docker built -t <REPO>/<NAME>:latest .
Note: make sure to supply the container with the environment variables for the http, grpc endpoints and the API token
This example uses the Catalyst fully managed database and pub/sub brokers for ease of use and easy set up experience. If you want to use your own cloud services, read here.