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DiZed Magento 2 Front ACL Module

ACL System for the Front Part of the Magento 2 project.

A module that will allow you to take full advantage of the front-end ACL capabilities in the modules you develop.

Developed and tested on Magento 2.4 version and PHP 7.4 version.
Key Features:
  • Ability to create your own roles and permissions via XML file.
  • Ability to set default permissions for each of the roles.
  • Ability to set the necessary roles and permissions for each customer in the admin panel.
  • Ability to automatically set the default role and permissions for a newly created customer (using a plugin).
  • Ability to easily use this functionality for controllers/actions and blocks.


composer require dized/module-front-acl

bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:clean

IMPORTANT to enable the module in Magento Admin: Admin Panel -> Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> DiZed Team Extensions -> Front ACL.

Module Configuration

Adding Roles and Permissions.

To add new roles or permissions, create the etc/acl_front.xml file in your own project module. You can see an example of a file in this module.

Roles are inserted into the FrontAcl_Role::index resource, permissions are inserted into the FrontAcl_Permission::index resource.

If you want to set the default permissions for some roles, use the FrontAcl_Defaults::index resource. Pay attention to the syntax - Relation_ {RoleCamelCase}::permission_snake_case.

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Acl/etc/acl.xsd">
            <!-- Roles: -->
            <resource id="FrontAcl_Role::index" title="Roles" translate="title">
                <resource id="FrontAcl_Role::buyer" title="Buyer" translate="title"/>
                <resource id="FrontAcl_Role::seller" title="Seller" translate="title"/>
            <!-- Permissions: -->
            <resource id="FrontAcl_Permission::index" title="Permissions" translate="title">
                <resource id="FrontAcl_Permission::catalog" title="Catalog" translate="title"/>
                <resource id="FrontAcl_Permission::checkout" title="Checkout" translate="title"/>
                <resource id="FrontAcl_Permission::wishlist" title="Wishlist" translate="title"/>
            <!-- Defaults (default relations between roles and permissions): -->
            <resource id="FrontAcl_Defaults::index" title="Default Relations" translate="title">
                <resource id="Relation_Buyer::catalog" title="Catalog"/>
                <resource id="Relation_Buyer::checkout" title="Checkout"/>
                <resource id="Relation_Buyer::wishlist" title="Wishlist"/>
                <resource id="Relation_Seller::catalog" title="Catalog"/>

Set customer roles and permissions in admin panel.

To set a role or permissions for a customer through the admin panel, just log in as an administrator and follow the following path: Customers -> All Customers -> Click to "Edit" for a customer in the grid -> Tab Front ACL. Select the required data here and save the customer.

Customer Settings

IMPORTANT If the permissions tree is not displayed, it is very likely that you are using a version of Magento with an older version of the jQuery jsTree library. In this case, try using the previous script "view/adminhtml/web/js/customer/permissions-tree.js" version.

Set the default role and permissions for a newly created customer automatically.

If you need to set roles and permissions for a new customer automatically, you can create a plugin for the function: \DiZed\FrontAcl\Plugin\Customer\Api\AccountManagement::getDetectedRole(CustomerInterface $customer). In the body of the function, you need to implement the necessary logic based on the customer object and return the required role as a string. Further, based on this role, default permissions will be automatically taken and applied to the customer.

     * Add custom logic to identify customer role.
     * @param \DiZed\FrontAcl\Plugin\Customer\Api\AccountManagement $subject
     * @param string $result
     * @param \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface $customer
     * @return string
     * @see \DiZed\FrontAcl\Plugin\Customer\Api\AccountManagement::getDetectedRole
    public function afterGetDetectedRole(
        \DiZed\FrontAcl\Plugin\Customer\Api\AccountManagement $subject,
        string $result,
        CustomerInterface $customer
    ): string {
        // @todo Need to add custom logic here...
        return $result;

Use this functionality for controllers/actions and blocks.

To check the role or permissions of a customer in a controller/action you need to implement the \DiZed\FrontAcl\Controller\App\HttpAclActionInterface interface and use the FRONT_ACL_ROLE or FRONT_ACL_PERMISSION constants. You can also use the isFrontClassAllowed() public function to specify more precise conditions.

namespace Name\Space\Sample\Action;

use DiZed\FrontAcl\Controller\App\HttpAclActionInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpGetActionInterface;
use Magento\Framework\View\Result\Page;
use Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory;

class Sample implements HttpGetActionInterface, HttpAclActionInterface
     * Front ACL Role.
    const FRONT_ACL_ROLE = ['FrontAcl_Role::sample'];
     * Front ACL Permission.
    const FRONT_ACL_PERMISSION = ['FrontAcl_Permission::sample'];

     * @var PageFactory
    protected $resultPageFactory;

     * Action constructor.
     * @param PageFactory $resultPageFactory
    public function __construct(
        PageFactory $resultPageFactory
    ) {
        $this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;

     * Is action allowed?
     * @return bool
    public function isFrontClassAllowed(): bool
        return true;

     * Execute action.
     * @return Page
    public function execute(): Page
        return $this->resultPageFactory->create();

All these properties are also available for blocks, but you need to implement the \DiZed\FrontAcl\Block\View\Element\AclBlockInterface interface.

namespace Name\Space\Sample\Block;

use DiZed\FrontAcl\Block\View\Element\AclBlockInterface;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;

class Sample extends Template implements AclBlockInterface
     * Front ACL Role.
    const FRONT_ACL_ROLE = ['FrontAcl_Role::sample'];
     * Front ACL Permission.
    const FRONT_ACL_PERMISSION = ['FrontAcl_Permission::sample'];

     * Is block allowed?
     * @return bool
    public function isFrontClassAllowed(): bool
        return true;

Getting a collection of customers with specific roles and permissions.

Just need to use \DiZed\FrontAcl\Helper\Data::getCustomerCollection method instead of standard $this->customerCollectionFactory->create();

Additional useful features.

  • For independent work with roles and permissions in your own module: \DiZed\FrontAcl\Api\RoleManagementInterface.
  • Get a list of available roles, permissions and some more features: \DiZed\FrontAcl\Helper\Data.
  • Add work with permission constants to your own class: \DiZed\FrontAcl\Helper\Traits\Acl.