Software Requirements Specification
- Introduction
1.1 Purpose
An application which is made up of a User Interface (UI), which in this case the web browser and a REST API which will request the meta data from their Spotify Account.
1.2 Intended Audience
Aimed at engineers who want to see an API connected to Spotify's own Web API works.
1.3 Intended Use
Educational Purposes and for those who want to explore the meta-data from their Spotify Accounts. Showcase project which will eventually grow out to include the Spotify Recommendation Engine.
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms
- Access Token
- Client Credentials
- Authorisation
- Search endpoint
- Overall Description
2.1 User Needs
A simple walkthrough and tutorial on how to find and inject each user's Spotify generated authentication token and a rendering the response of a request in plain text.
2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies
That the user will know how to navigate routes and uri's to make the search query happen.
- System Features and Requirements
3.1 Functional Requirements
- Application is able to retrieve up-to-date data concerning their Spotify Account.
- Exception handling for non-valid client credentials
- Caching for repeated requests
- Quick response times
3.2 External Interface Requirements
3.3 System Features
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements
- Reference Material