The Overview of this project was to create a simple portfolio manager for users to track and manage information about their favourite stocks or current assets and be able to keep an eye on information for media sources.
- Ruby & Ruby on Rails
- Jquery
- AJAX & Javascript
- Alpha Vantage Stocks API
- Chartkick & Chart.js
- News API
- Twitter Bootstrap
The Core requirements set out for this project where the following:
- Models. A minimum of 3 models with appropriate associations.
- Views. Use partial views to avoid DRY practices.
- Handles invalid data. Appropriate form handlers to validate data or notify users of invalid data.
- Use Gems Include Ruby Gems that utilise API Calls.
- User Login. Basic User Authentication
- Scope - AIM: The aim of the project was to build a simple portfolio and stock tracker for the user. Features: Stock API Call for live data, portfolio customisation, news article search and save for user to re-read, time-series graphs. Implementation Period: 2 Weeks
- Front-end Framework. Using Twitter Bootstrap for Navigation and Footer styling.
- Single Page Application Bias - Throughout some of the earlier days i had kept thinking of this project as a single page app and did not put enough consideration to the routing and ways that each page will link which could have improved my workflow.
- Wireframing to development - After wireframing my idea i had not realised the how complex some of the associations and tasks i had set out to were going to be, and due to this i feel that i did not achieve my initial goals.
- JQUERY Framework Conflicts - due to the use of Twitter Bootstrap and the additional complexity of Chartkick, the charts were not displaying correctly hence were removed.
- Lack of knowledge with user models - I feel i did not have a good enough understanding of users/sessions to be able to associate them correctly to the portfolios.
- Implement live charts into dashboard view.
- Implement correct association for news and stocks
- Implement correct association for users and portfolios
- Implement autocomplete forms for news and stocks search