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  1. setup virtual environment virtualenv --python "C:\Program Files\Python\Python36\python.exe" venv
  2. Activate virtual environment venv\Script\activate
  3. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run project using django server python runserver
  5. Add mailgun credentials
    • Replace Domain and API_KEY values in services/

Create super user

Start terminal with virtualenv activate and execute below command to create superadmin user to access django-admin dashboard panel.

python createsuperuser

Start new terminal to run celery.

  1. Start celery worker to run tasks celery -A django_emailer worker -l info
  2. Start celery beat for cronjob work celery -A django_emailer beat -l info

Run django emailer in docker

Follow below steps to run django-emailer project using docker

  1. Install redir-server
    • sudo apt-get install redis-server
  2. Go to Project roor direcotry and execute below commands:
    • docker build .
    • docker-compose up (With this command celery and django server will start, django server will start on port 8000)
  3. To create super user, open new terminal window and execute below commands:
    • docker container list - This will return list of containers, find container image name with djangoemailer_web and get container ID of it and apply below command to create super user.
    • docker exec -it <container ID> python createsuperuser
  4. Open url localhost:8000/admin in browser, you will get admin screen and login with super user credentials.


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