###Beer Finder A quick way to locate the closest craft brew pub to your current location. ####Features
- Find all Craft beer locations within walking distance
- 20 blocks (this can be negotiated)
- Should start within X number of blocks and allowe user to expand search and trigging the mapping event to recur
- Map route to location
####Feature OverView & References A high level description of the tools to use in this project.
- Use Google Places API to search for locations
- Use Google direction API to route to the location
- For UI design use bootstrap and/or Google material design
- Week 7 is the Google API week. Lots of sample code there.
Describe in more detail, the workflow and usage of the application and how/when the tools above will be used there.
- Screenloads and asks for users location DONE
- when location is given, load map DONE
- If user doesn't allow geolocation, tell user to select start location will use search bar for this
- place user marker https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference#Marker DONE
- place beer location markers one at a time (unless it's super slow, then just as fast as you can)
####User Marker Options DONE
- animation: DROP DONE
- draggable: true (but only if I can get it to update directions when dropped) DONE BUT NOT USED
- *position:
- map:
- title: "YOU ARE HERE" Used Icons for this
- zIndex: (higher than all the others)
####Places Marker
- Search Sample
- Sample where places marker is set
- [Marker Icons][google-marker-ref]
// Placing Place marker on the map, sample
var request = {
placeId: 'ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4'
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);
service.getDetails(request, function(place, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: place.geometry.location
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
infowindow.open(map, this);
####Map listeners AKA google.maps.event.addListener(THING, event, WhatyouWannaDo?); https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/marker-animations
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', toggleBounce);
function toggleBounce() {
if (marker.getAnimation() != null) {
} else {
- onResize
- reload beer locations and display any that should be on the map
- onclick (of location)
- map route from person
- Creat map with user location as centre ADDED
- add marker where user is or default location. ADDED
- directions ADDED
- change marker onclick event to add html content that ADDED displays info about place and adds a Directions button.
- Remove directions button when directions are shown for that location
- Re-skin the entire thing and fix flow DONE
- Allow dismiss directions
- must bring back markers
- re-do marker search if centre of map changes
- Allow user to select a location as their location
- maybe a onfail function in the getLocation function that alerts user to choose locations
- once location is chosen THEN places search occurs
- use Google search input to allow user to enter address.
- Retrieve more information about location to populate InfoWindow
- user_position isn't saving FIXED
- Figure out why location isn't being loaded in google maps FIXED
- trigger map load after location request dismissed positively. FIXED
- marker isn't loading, probably too soon after map load FIXED
- need to make it load after the map finishes loading FIXED
- Chrome doesn't ask for location (force location request?)
- force request by checking if pref set
- ask user to choose location
- Save location as html5 savestuff feature so on Chrome when it reloads it will use that.
- Doesn't load users location everytime if it doesn't ask for it every time
- Add error logging when the request for position fails
- Doesn't load user location properly on mobile
- loads off screen
- should hide all markers
- should save those markers to be able to bring them back
####Nice to haves
- Give option for user to choose location at any time
- use watchPoisition instead of getPosition and update user position as it gets more accurate
- show beer stores too
- Load information about locations (html templates for all known locations)