I wrote this because I couldn't find a very simple temperature recording and displaying system. Everything else required big software installs, typically a database, and/or heavyweight graphical display software.
There are two parts:
- Reading and Saving Temperatures:
This is running on a Raspberry Pi (and most cheap single-board
computers running GNU/Linux will work fine too) using a cheap digital
sensor, a DS18B20. The temperature is taken and recorded every 10
minutes, and saved to a daily file. New daily files are started just
after midnight. Simplye leave thermo-daemon.py
continuously. If it dies (say, due to a power outage), you can safely
start a new instance and it'll append to the correct daily data file.
- Displaying Temperature History on a Graph:
The graphing program reads all the daily files and plots them using plotly, which lets you zoom in on particular ranges such as a single day.
It's currently GPLv3 licensed, because it was handy. I'd consider an attribution-only license as well.
I welcome suggestions.