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Alexander Fabisch edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 93 revisions

Welcome to the pytransform3d wiki!


Release Checklist

  • Update version number
  • Merge develop to main
  • Make github release
  • Update documentation
cd doc
make clean
make html
git clone --branch gh-pages
cd pytransform3d
rm -rf *
cp -R ../build/html/* .
git add *
  • Publish on PYPI:
python sdist
twine upload dist/*
rm -rf dist/
  • Test PyPI release in docker container:
docker run -it ubuntu:20.04
apt update
apt install -y python3 python3-pip git
pip3 install pytransform3d[test]
git clone
cd pytransform3d
MPLBACKEND=Agg nosetests -sv pytransform3d/ --with-coverage
  • Update version in conda forge, merge request will be done automatically by a bot (more info: 1 2)


flake8 pytransform3d examples  --show-source --ignore E402,F401,W503,W504,W605,E303,Q000 --statistics --docstring-style numpy
pylint -d C0103,R1725,R0205 --extension-pkg-whitelist=numpy,open3d pytransform3d
mypy --check-untyped-defs pytransform3d
pytest -W ignore::DeprecationWarning --cov=pytransform3d pytransform3d  # dependencies: pytest pytest-cov
darglint --docstring-style numpy pytransform3d

Checklist for New Features

  • are there tests for every branch and special case?
  • does it have docstrings?
  • does it have type hints in the corresponding .pyi file?
  • is it included in the API documentation?
  • run flake8, pylint, and mypy
  • should it be part of the user documentation?
  • should it be included in any example script?

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