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A Random Forest that predicts whether a tumor is malignant or benign, implemented from scratch.

I wanted to investigate the performance of a random forest in comparison with a deep neural net I created.
It turns out a random forest performs as well as a deep neural net for this task.

Based on the Wisconsin breast cancer diagnosis dataset.

Getting Started

First you need to have your golang workspace set up on your machine. Then clone this repo into your go-workspace/src/ folder.
git clone; cd Random_Forest

Download dependencies.
go get -d ./...

To run.
go run main.go

Alternatively, build & run the binary.
go build; ./Random_Forest

Default behaviour is to split the data into training & test sets, train a random forest on the training set, & show metrics for training & test sets.


-d --depth

Provide addtional argument DEPTH integer, maximum tree depth.

Default depth is 42, in essence infinite as a tree categorizes samples perfectly (leaf gini mean = 0) before a depth of 10. Random forests with infinite depth overfit the training set, as shown in the deafult example above with perfect accuracy on the training set. To avoid overfitting, & increase accuracy for the test set, a lower depth can be set. For example:

go run main.go -d 5

-t --trees

Provide addtional argument SIZE integer, number of trees in the forest. The default is 100 trees. To create a forest with 1000 trees:
go run main.go -t 1000

-s --seed

Provide addtional argument SEED integer for randomization. for example:
go run main.go -s 42

This seeds the pseudo-randomization of shuffling & splitting of data. Thus a forest & set of predictions can be replicated exactly with a given seed. The default seed is the current time.

-f --forest

Print forest, all trees, recursively node by node. Let's see a simple example with 2 trees of depth 1:

go run main.go -f -d 1 -t 2

-q --quiet

Don't print seed or forest statistics.

go run main.go -q


Any non-flag argument will be read as data path. The default data path is data.csv.

go run main.go data.csv

Prints for each -d depth the actual max & mean depth, accuracy for training & test sets, and mean training time.

This shows the ideal forest depth to be around 5, where we reach peak test set accuracy (~96%). We start to overfit beyond a depth of 5, the training set accuracy continues to increase but the test set accuracy declines.

The max depth never exceeds 9, by which point each leaf is pure (100% one diagnosis) and the training subset is classified perfectly. The mean depth never exceeds 5.5, by which point the majority of trees have classified their training subset perfectly.


When finished shows a graph of accuracy over depth for training & test sets.


A Random Forest that diagnoses cancerous tumors




