What's Changed
- chore(tests): Update test snapshots 29-04-2024 by @dfe-sdt in #4807
- EES-5099, EES-5094, EES-5102 Update public data schema with location and data set version changes by @ntsim in #4806
- EES-4993 Show which Datasets have associated API Datasets (Data Catalogue) by @jack-hive in #4802
- EES-4995 show API data sets tag and allow filtering by @amyb-hiveit in #4800
- EES-4979 Remove meta-guidance and data-guidance redirects by @sambiramairelogic in #4812
- EES-5002 Add content security headers to the Content API for SEO reasons by @sambiramairelogic in #4811
- Merge hotfix back into dev by @N-moh in #4817
- chore (deps): update react-lazyload by @amyb-hiveit in #4816
- EES-4891 add notification banner to new data catalogue page by @amyb-hiveit in #4815
- EES-5091 Public Data Processor project setup by @benoutram in #4805
- Ees 4909 add public api assets to publishing checklist by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4774
- chore(tests): Update test snapshots 02-05-2024 by @dfe-sdt in #4821
- EES-4881 adjust view release link position on data catalogue by @amyb-hiveit in #4814
- EES-4662 Add data set file meta info to Data catalogue and Data set pages by @mmyoungman in #4783
- EES-4662 Make migration more robust by @mmyoungman in #4824
- DRAFT: EES-4802 Re-apply redirect map by @sambiramairelogic in #4813
- EES-4353: Trim whitespace and convert fields from CKEditor to textareas. by @tomjonesdev in #4819
- Ees 4807 small tweaks after merge by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4725
- EES-5079 Remove Filter/IndicatorSequence columns from ReleaseSubject by @mmyoungman in #4784
- chore(tests): Update test snapshots 07-05-2024 by @dfe-sdt in #4835
- EES-5122 allow linking to step 3 of table tool by @amyb-hiveit in #4822
- EES-4909 - added fix to use NoOp implementation of Admin DataSetVersionService when Public Data DB is not present in environment by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4836
- EES-5048 RHF chart builder, data catalogue and prototype forms by @amyb-hiveit in #4810
- EES-4909 - defaulting PublicDataDbExists to false, and allowing overriding in Admin and Publisher by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4837
- EES-4909 - enabling "PublicDataDbExists" flag when running Publisher integration tests by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4841
- Fix data guidance in Ui tests by @amyb-hiveit in #4839
- EES-4353 use ckeditor for main data guidance field by @amyb-hiveit in #4840
- Fix data guidance and data catalogue UI tests by @amyb-hiveit in #4842
- chore(tests): Update test snapshots 09-05-2024 by @dfe-sdt in #4844
- Ees 5052 add private endpoint to connect psql to vnet by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4838
- EES-5131 Adding Public Data Processor URL environment variable to the Admin app by @jack-hive in #4845
- EES-5130 Add
to handle invalid input by @ntsim in #4834 - EES-5051 Added Azure yaml logic for the playwright tests by @saicharan2789 in #4738
- EES-XXXX - adding conditional setup of PSQL connection when running locally without PSQL by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4847
- chore(tests): Update test snapshots 09-05-2024 by @dfe-sdt in #4846
- EES-5121 Refactor data set query string validators into POST request model validators by @ntsim in #4820
- EES-5095 Add new Processor trigger point and function to create new API Dataset by @benoutram in #4825
- EES-XXXX: Frontend housekeeping by @sambiramairelogic in #4850
- EES-XXXX - reverting the use of ConnectionUtils in all but Function App projects by @duncan-at-hiveit in #4852
- Merge Dev into Master by @N-moh in #4855
Full Changelog: 20240426.7...20240513.5