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Safe{Wallet} monorepo

🌐 Safe{Wallet} web app ・ 📱 Safe{Wallet} mobile app


Welcome to the Safe{Wallet} monorepo! This repository houses multiple applications and packages managed under a unified structure using Yarn Workspaces. The monorepo setup simplifies dependency management and ensures consistent development practices across projects.

Key components

  • apps/: Contains application projects (e.g., mobile for the Safe{Wallet} mobile app).
  • packages/: Shared libraries and utilities.
  • config/: Configuration files for the monorepo.

Getting started

To get started, ensure you have the required tools installed and follow these steps:


  • Node.js: Install the latest stable version from Node.js.
  • Yarn: Use Yarn version 4.5.3 or later

to install it with the latest node version you can simply do

corepack enable

and then just run


This will install the required version of yarn and resolve all dependencies.


Corepack is a tool to help with managing versions of your package managers. It exposes binary proxies for each supported package manager that, when called, will identify whatever package manager is configured for the current project, download it if needed, and finally run it.

Initial setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repo-url>
cd monorepo
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install

Monorepo commands

Here are some essential commands to help you navigate the monorepo:

Workspace management

  • Run a script in a specific workspace:
yarn workspace <workspace-name> <script>


yarn workspace @safe-global/web start
  • Add a dependency to a specific workspace:
yarn workspace <workspace-name> add <package-name>
  • Remove a dependency from a specific workspace:
yarn workspace <workspace-name> remove <package-name>


Yarn treats commands that contain a colon as global commands. For example if you have a command in a workspace that has a colon and there isn't another workspace that has the same command, you can run the command without specifying the workspace name. For example:

yarn cypress:open

is equivalent to:

yarn workspace @safe-global/web cypress:open

Linting and formatting

  • Run ESLint across all workspaces:
yarn lint


  • Run unit tests across all workspaces:
yarn test


Adding a new workspace

  1. Create a new directory under apps/ or packages/.
  2. Add a package.json file with the appropriate configuration.
  3. Run:
yarn install

Best practices

  • Use Yarn Workspaces commands for managing dependencies.
  • Ensure tests and linting pass before pushing changes.
  • Follow the commit message guidelines.

Tools & configurations

  • Husky: Pre-commit hooks for linting and tests.
  • ESLint & Prettier: Enforce coding standards and formatting.
  • Jest: Unit testing framework.
  • Expo: Mobile app framework for the mobile workspace.
  • Next.js: React framework for the web workspace.

Useful links

If you have any questions or run into issues, feel free to open a discussion or contact the maintainers. Happy coding! 🚀


Safe{Wallet} – smart account wallet







No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 84.2%
  • JavaScript 12.1%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • HTML 1.4%
  • Shell 0.1%
  • MDX 0.0%