Below are exposed several algorithms of Computational Algebra related with factorization, primality, logarithms and other properties of polynomial and elements of finite fields, all of it programed in Maple. This algorithms corresponds with the Computational Algebra subject imparted in the fourth year of the Degree of Mathematics in the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Modern Computer Algebra (Joachim von zur Gathen)
- A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (Victor Shoup)
The algorithms are in .txt to see the codes. To apply them you need to open an .mw file with Maple and add them line by line. Most of the algorithms need other algorithms to be executed, so be sure to execute them in order.
This repository was created with the desire of extending the knowledge of the Computational Algebra and the techniques that you can do to reach the results of the books. The literal copy of the codes to approve a subject related with this programs is discouraged.
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If you want to download the codes, is advised to open it with Notepad++ to see the separation between lines, and then write the codes in Maple.
In order to execute the codes without problems, all of the examples and the auxiliary functions must be in different environment executions. For example, this execution is not correct:
"> FiniteInverse:=proc(K,e)
local inverse, oc, r, s, t, K1, K2;
#the function ends..
p := 13;
Zp := Zmod(p);
#The instruction above is the example
Nevertheless, this is correct:
"> FiniteInverse:=proc(K,e)
local inverse, oc, r, s, t, K1, K2;
#the function ends..
#the main execution ends and I create another environment execution:
"> p := 13;
Zp := Zmod(p);
InversoFinito(Zp, 5);
#The instruction above is the example
The algorithms are listed below:
1. Euclidean Algorithm for Euclidean Domains.
Given an Euclidean Domain and two elements, executes the Euclidean Algorithm and returns the g.c.d. of these elements.
2. Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
Given K an Euclidean Domain and two elements a,b of K, executes the Euclidean Algorithm listed above and returns the g.c.d (let's say "d") of these elements. Then, finds using the Bézout's identity, the two elements x e y that verify:
ax + by = d
3. Chinese Remainder Algorithm.
Let R be an Euclidean Algorithm. Let m[0], m[1], ... ,m[r-1] of R be coprime. Let v[0], v[1], ... , v[r-1] of R. Let m = m[0]m[1]...*m[r-1].
Then we've got m = lcm(m[0],m[1],... m[r-1])
The Chinese Remainder theorem says that exists an element f od R such that:
f ≡v[i] mod m[i], para 0 <= i < r
The following algorithm takes the m[i] and v[i] elements and returns the mentioned f element, using the demonstration of the theorem listed before.
4. G.C.D. in a U.F.D.
Let K be an Unique Factorization Domain (U.F.D.). Let f,g be two elements of K.
The following algorithm returns the Greatest Common Divisor of f and g (normalized)
5. Inverse of an element in a Finite Field.
Let K be a finite field. Let e be an element of K
The following algorithm returns the inverse of "e" in K.
6. Irreducibility test for a polynomial in Fq[x]
Let f be a polynomial in a field with dimension q^k. The algorithm returns "Reducible" if the polynomial is reducible in K, and "Irreducible" if not.
7. Discrete logarithm in fields Fq[x] quotiented with f(x):
Given a polynomial f in a field with dimension "q" prime and two numbers a,b, the algorithm calculate log_b(a).
8. Factorization algorithms for a polynomial in a finite field (SFD, DDF, EDF):
Showing up next there are three different algorithms that factorizes a polynomial in different ways. The structure of the file is:
- Auxiliary functions:
Let F be a field with |F| = q = p^w, w != 1, the function PolynomialToFx transforms a polynomial f with alpha, x variables to a polynomial with coefficients in F.
To build F, it's posible for q to be not prime, so we need to apply the action of a polynomial "pol" irreducible with degree w to express F as Zp/(pol).
In the case w=1 you'll have to enter pol=1 (it's not neccesary the action of a polynomial becouse F can be represented as Zp).
The second auxiliary function calculates the G.C.D. in a finite field of two primitive polynomials with coefficients in F, where F,p and pol are described before.
- SFD (Square-free descomposition)
Let F be a field with |F| = q = p^w and "pol" be an irreducible polynomial with degree w with which we can express F as Zp/(pol), this algorithm returns a list of pairs [(g[i], s[i])], where f is the multiplication of (g[i])^(s[i]), and every g[i] is monic and square-free.
- DDF (Distinct Degree Factorization)
Let F be a field with |F| = q = p^w and "pol" be an irreducible polynomial with degree w with which we can express F as Zp/(pol), this algorithm returns a list of pairs [(g[i]),k[i])], where f is the multiplication of g[i], and every g[i] can be factorized in irreducible polynomials of degree k[i].
- EDF (Equal Degree Factorization)
Let F be a field with |F| = q = p^w and "pol" be an irreducible polynomial with degree w with which we can express F as Zp/(pol), this algorithm returns a list with the irreducible factors of a polynomial f if we know that f can be factorized in k irreducible polynomials.
9. Berlekamp's algorithm in a finite field:
The structure of the algorithm is based in:
- Auxiliary functions:
Let Q be a matrix. The function insertRow inserts to a vector "r" the first n-elements of a row "i".
Let f be a polynomial and p be the cardinal of Zp with which we want to express f apllying this algorithm, the function matrixQ provides the Berkelamp matrix of that polynomial.
Let "a" be a number. The function inverseModulus returns its inverse modulus "b".
Let M be a matrix of dimension n, the function permuteRow swap the row i with the row j.
Let M be a matrix of dimension n and p the cardinal of Zp, the function berlekampVectors returns the Berlekamp vectors v(1), ... , v(n).
- Final algorithm:
Let f be a square-free polynomial and p the cardinal of Zp, this algorithm completely factorizes f in factors contained in Zp[x].
10. Factorization algorithm in Z[x] (Hensel):
Let f be a polynomial, p the cardinal of Zp and g,h two polynomial that fulfill the conditions of Hensel's propositions, the algorithm returns a factorization of f.
11. AKS primality test:
Given an integer number, the algorithm gives the information about the irreducibility of that number using the AKS technique.