Buffer Tweet Scheduler click here
- This project helps to provide a one place for your different twitter accounts and scedule tweets using Twitter API from them.
- This project also implement the authentication and authorization system in rails from scrath
- Using Background Jobs for Tweet Scheduling
- Using ActionMailer with SendBlue service
- Authentication using Encrypted Session Token (Build from Scratch)
- SignUp
- SignIn
- Edit Password
- Reset Password Using Action Mailer and Unique Token
- OmniAuth-Twitter to Connect Different Twiiter Accounts
- Schedule Tweets using ActiveJob and Twitter API
- Using SendingBlue Service for Sending Mails
- Deployed on Heroku
- Ruby On Rails
- SQLite(Devlopment) and Postgres(Production)
- BootStrap
- JavaScript
Run bundle install
Run rails db:create db:migrate
Run rails s
to spun up the server
Now open the browser and type
Ruby version : 3.0.1
Rails version :