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A macro assembler for building Transputer binaries. Uses MASM syntax as used in Transputer eForth. Written in Scala 2.


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This is a byte-building macro assembler, that can build binary files, irrespective of actual CPU instructions. You can build your set of 'opcodes' via macros and ALIGN/DB/DD/DW directives. Its input language is a small subset of Microsoft MASM 5.1's directives. It does not understand the Intel CPU instruction set.

It also supports the instruction set of the Inmos T414/T800/T801/T805 Transputer, when the .TRANSPUTER directive is given. As the Transputer has a variable length instruction encoding, branches to as-yet-unknown addresses can vary, requiring a longer encoding, thereby moving the location to which the branch jumps! See 'Convergence', below.

(C) 2018-2024 Matt J. Gumbley Mastodon: Twitter: (abandoned) @mattgumbley @devzendo

The assembler is to be used in the building of the transputer-eforth eForth port, and also as the assembler used by the Parachute Project and its future languages.


First release 0.0.1 Midsummer 2019 (12 June 2019) as part of Parachute 0.0.1.

Project started 19 April 2018.

Successful eForth assembly verified 25 June 2018.

In active development.

Parser, macro expansion, code generation and output of binary file and listing are done. Optimally encodes direct instructions into pfix/nfix sequences - especially for forward references where location might not yet be known.

The assembler has built a binary of eForth without any parsing/code gen errors (initially using opcode-building macros, and now with .TRANSPUTER mode) - and a close inspection of the listing side-by-side with that produced by MASM suggests that I'm assembling identically to MASM! I can't generate a binary with MASM - linking fails - but the listing is sufficient for verification.

Current work:

Remaining work:

  • Fix variable-reset convergence bug - see

  • Transputer instructions in macros lose their comments when the macro is expanded (see CODE and COLON macros in eForth)

  • Escape codes do not work in DB strings? \12 ? \n ? \r ?

  • local labels

  • global and extern symbols

  • later....

    • ELF writing (or other object format: TCOFF?)
  • nice-to-haves...

    • binary map listing, showing symbols sorted by address and the binary dump at those addresses.
    • handling conversion of exceptions that the macro manager might throw when expanding
    • macros shouldn't be able to replace keywords
    • exception handling - is... odd..... use Try instead of throwing? Easier collection of phase errors?
    • There's duplication in the storage of references to storage contents/symbols so that if embedded constants/labels change during convergence, the storage/expressions are re-evaluated; should unify this and use closures to process fixups.
    • Removal of multiple stores of input lines.

Release Notes

0.0.2 Second release (in preparation)

  • Upgrade to JDK 17.
  • Added the INCLUDE directive to allow separate files to be included in the main assembly file, in lieu of building linkable object files.
  • Added configurable include search paths.
  • Bugfix: Symbols in direct instructions that need to be converged, but that are not defined are now detected and cause pass 1 to fail, with the message "Symbol forward references remain unresolved at end of Pass 1 (still converging)".
  • Changed many diagnostic numeric outputs to hex.
  • Added more examples of convergence offset calculation.
  • Bugfix: Fix offset generation/start addresses when iterating through convergence. Ensure all parts of the model are updated with offset/start location/size information, as storage is adjusted.
  • Add the system include directory (e.g. on macOS, /opt/parachute/include/tmasm) to the list of include-paths.
  • Add the -s (--showIncludePaths) command line option to show all the include-paths that have been given, including the system include directory.
  • Bugfix: ALIGN directive worked for positive addresses, but not negative - Transputer addresses are signed so that if the most significant bit is set, the address is negative and precedes any positive address.
  • Bugfix: Variables were not being restored to their original contents at the start of a convergence loop, leading to variables having values set multiple times leading to incorrect values.
  • Bugfix: Attempts to assemble code that overflows the MaxINT address 0x7fffffff is now not allowed. You can assemble up to that point, but not beyond.
  • Bugfix: Output files were not being truncated to zero size before being written.

0.0.1 First release

  • Bugfix: Any offsets to symbols in direct instructions (which required offset transformation) were not appearing in the listing, despite being generated correctly by the StatementTransformers.
  • Bugfix: Offsets are generated relative to the start of the instruction, so a sequence of DDs: DD OFFSET X, OFFSET X, OFFSET X now yields three distinct values, rather than three copies of the offset of the first DD from X.
  • Bugfix: Negative Constant/Variable definition in listing only shows 16-bit versions of values? eg for 0x80000070 - now correctly shows 0x80000070.
  • Added an OFFSET operator, to compute offsets of its argument from $.
  • Added support for the full T414/T800/T801/T805 instruction set in .TRANSPUTER mode.
  • Added the T801 instructions, from "Transputer Instruction Set - Appendix, Guy Harriman".
  • Added the T801/T805 instructions from "Support for debugging/breakpointing in transputers" (INMOS Technical Note 61).
  • Added the Parachute Transputer Emulator's nonstandard instructions.
  • Correct offset generation for j, cj, call direct instructions - so you don't have to specify OFFSET to a symbolic argument, it's implied.
  • Builds on macOS, Windows 10 and Linux (Various).


I needed a macro assembler to assemble eForth (and in a reusable form for future Transputer language projects). I have MASM 6, which works fine, but is closed source, and in 2018, quite difficult to obtain legitimately. I have Windows XP SP2, Visual C++ Studio 6.0, and the Processor Pack 5 (which contains MASM) - this latter is now considered 'unobtainium' from Microsoft , so was retreived via the Wayback Machine - more recent versions of Windows, e.g. 7, do not install Visual Studio correctly. It is possible to install it in XP SP2 then copy the executables across to Windows 7, which is what I did since XP is not registerable any more, apparently.

Asking contributors to an open source project to buy copies of old commercial projects will be a blocker to contribution, and is against the open source ethos.

MASM 6 is a fine product; I wish Microsoft would make old systems freely available via some legitimate archive... but this is not likely.

I tried assembling eForth with JWasm, the open source version of the Watcom assembler, but this had issues with relocation and endianness. Yes, I could have investigated this and submitted patches... but what is required for this project is not complex, and does not need an x86 assembler just acting as a macro assembler for DB directives.

I tried porting it to NASM, the netwide assembler, but could not get the macro system to work as documentation suggests.

I have previously tried to get the ttools assembler/linker building, but this has issues on 64-bit systems. See transputer-toolchain for this abandoned project.


Since the initial project using this assembler is eForth, and eForth has traditionally been written using Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1, the syntax accepted by this assembler is the very small subset of MASM need by eForth.

For identifier syntax, see The Java Language Spec

The following fragment illustrates most of the key syntax:

LABEL:    ; A label starting a line with a colon; a semicolon introduces a comment.
          EQU MYCONST 42 ; Here's a constant; you can't re-assign them (see Convergence).
          EQU X 2 OR 7   ; Can use expressions: OR ||, AND &&, +, -, *, /, SHR >>, SHL <<,
                         ; ! ~ (unary negation/complement)  
          MYVAR = 69     ; Here's a variable; you can re-assign them.
                         ; Constant, variable, and label names follow the rules for
                         ; Java identifiers: this means a letter, currency symbol or connecting
                         ; punctuation symbol (_), followed by zero or more letters or numbers.
          ORG 0x40000000 ; Set the memory location to assemble at ($) to this address,
                         ; here given in hex. The default for the $ variable is 0.
          DB 1,2,3,'hi'  ; Assemble three bytes and a string at $ (0x40000000).
                         ; Arguments to data assemblers can be decimal numbers (e.g. 14),
                         ; hexadecimal numbers (e.g. 0x20, 20H), labels, constants,
                         ; variables, or supports single- or double-quoted strings
                         ; of characters. Values are limited to unsigned 0-255.
          DW 0x1234      ; Assemble one or more words, separated by commas. Can be decimal
                         ; or hex as per DB. Range 0-65535. 
          DD 0xAA55AA55  ; Assemble one or more double words, separated by commas. Decimal
                         ; or hex, range 0-4294967295.
          DB 5 DUP(7)    ; Assemble 5 instances of the byte 7. Same as DB 7,7,7,7,7. Can
                         ; also use DW count DUP n, and DD count DUP n.
          TITLE My Title ; Sets the title given in the listing.
          PAGE 80,25     ; Sets the page size in the listing.
          .386           ; Sets the instruction set to 386 and endianness to Little.
                         ; (If you want to write Transputer code in .386 mode, note that this only sets the endianness
                         ;  you have to build macros up to generate DBs from opcodes - as eForth originally does.)
          .TRANSPUTER    ; Sets the instruction set to T414/T800/T801/T805 and endianness to Little.
                         ; Note that by default, the assembler's endianness is Big.
          ALIGN 4        ; Increase $ if necessary to the next address that's a multiple
                         ; of the argument.
          IF1            ; Mark out a section that will only be assembled during pass 1.
          ELSE           ; Mark out a section that will only be assembled during pass 2.
          ENDIF          ; End the pass1/pass2 section.
          END            ; Marks the end of the source file. Must be present; no statements
                         ; are allowed after this.
          name MACRO param1,param2,param3...
                         ; Start definition of a macro with name 'name', and the list of
                         ; named parameters. Can supply zero or more parameters.
                         ; The parameters can be referred to in the body of the macro,
                         ; which follows....
          ENDM           ; End macro definition; must follow MACRO.
          name 1,2,3     ; Invoke macro called 'name', substituting 1 for param1, 2 for param2, 3 for param 3.
          MAIN           ; Ignored
          ASSUME         ; Ignored
          .LIST          ; Ignored
          .NOLIST        ; Ignored        
                         ; Sets the MYOFF constant to the difference between MYLABEL and $, which is positive if
                         ; MYLABEL is ahead of this statement, negative if it is behind. OFFSET can be used in any
                         ; expression: in an ORG (odd, but possible!), DB/DW/DD and their DUP forms, in constant (EQU)
                         ; and variable (=) definitions, and in Transputer direct instruction arguments, e.g.
                         ; LDC OFFSET MYLABEL. This is especially useful for CJ/J/CALL instructions which work with
                         ; offsets to instructions rather than addresses - to allow code to be position-independent.
                         ; OFFSETs are also recomputed during convergence (see below).
          INCLUDE "include/file/path.asm"
                         ; Inserts the text of the file "include/file/path.asm" at the point of the INCLUDE
                         ; directive. All include file paths are searched for this file.                        


The transputer instruction set encodes 15 common instructions as 'Direct Instructions' in a single byte. The most significant nybble is the opcode; the least significant nybble is the operand, which can range from 0-15. For operands outside this range, the pfix/nfix direct instructions are used to precede the direct instruction being built, such that the full range of 32-bit operands can be used in these common instructions.

This means that direct instructions can sometimes require a variable-length encoding. Where operands are forward references to addresses not yet known, an iterative approach is taken to build up these encodings - thereby changing the addresses of intervening symbols, until a stable set of encodings is available. This results in the most compact code, and is guaranteed to converge - if a little slowly.

When the address of a label/constant/variable changes due to convergence, all references to it are re-evaluated. Even if a constant is defined to refer to a changing address.

Using the Assembler

The assembler requires Java 17, with the 'java' JRE runtime available on your PATH. For convenience, add the 'bin' directory of the assembler's distribution to your PATH.

Distributions of the Parachute project will include the assembler in its bin/lib directories.

The assembler is invoked via the 'tmasm' command. Running 'tmasm -h' gives a full summary of command line arguments.

For example, to assemble the file test.asm, producing a binary file and listing file:

tmasm -b test.bin -l test.lst test.asm 

By default the assembler is case-insensitive, like MASM's /Cu option. All variables, constants and labels are converted to upper case. To switch to processing variables, constants and labels in a case-sensitive manner, use the -x (--caseSensitive) option. This is like MASM's /Cx option.

The system include files are present in the include directory. For now, this includes a secondary bootstrap mechanism that may be included at the start of large binaries.


The assembler is written in Scala, and requires Java 17. The build system is Maven. I use Scala's Parser Combinators. I use TDD rigourously, and require contributions to keep code coverage/testability as high as possible.

All contributions are welcome!

Contact me, Matt Gumbley via, or on Mastodon.


Just requires Java 17 and Maven 3.6.x. My builds use Java 17.0.7 (Temurin/OpenJDK) and Maven 3.6.0 on macOS Catalina, and Java 17.0.12 (Temurin/OpenJDK), Maven 3.6.3 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Although it's written in Scala, Maven will download the specified version of the Scala compiler and library.

'mvn clean package' is all you need.

Note: On one system I also had openjdk 11 installed, and had errors with log4s macro usage as shown below:

[ERROR] /home/matt/Documents/ error: macro implementation not found: getLogger
[ERROR] (the most common reason for that is that you cannot use macro implementations in the same compilation run that defines them)
[ERROR]     private val logger: Logger = org.log4s.getLogger
[ERROR]                                            ^
[ERROR] /home/matt/Documents/ error: macro implementation not found: error
[ERROR] (the most common reason for that is that you cannot use macro implementations in the same compilation run that defines them)
[ERROR]             logger.error(s"The $fileType file '$f' does not exist")

This turned out to be known (scala/scala-dev#480); I uninstalled openjdk 11 and this went away.


This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License: (C) 2018-2024 Matt Gumbley,


Christoph Henkelmann's excellent series on Parser Combinators:

Including his Java expression parser:

Thanks to Andrey Tyukin for assistance in composing parser combinators as traits:


A macro assembler for building Transputer binaries. Uses MASM syntax as used in Transputer eForth. Written in Scala 2.





