DO NOT FORK this repo.
Clone this repository from your personal Github account:
- Copy the HTTPS or SSH address on the page.
- From you DevLeague folder, run the command
$ git clone [SSH or HTTP address]
in your terminal in order to clone this repository into that folder (you don't need to type the "$"; this is the command prompt, and is used to signify your terminal is ready for commands).
From your terminal, navigate into the the assignment:
$ cd nov2018_mission2
Create a new branch for the project:
$ git checkout -b your-branch-name
Open the the assignment in your text editor and work on problem that has been assigned to you in the
file. -
There will be updates on the master which will require you to update your local files:
$ git fetch
$ git pull
Checkout into your own branch and Merge the updates from the master branch into your newly created branch:
$ git merge master
Work on the exercise that is ONLY assigned specifically for you.
Commit your work.
Make a pull request.