An easy peasy tiny library for coloring console output in inline strings using ANSI escape codes.
Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"green {Output.Red($"{Output.Bold("bold")} red")} green"));
Console.WriteLine(Output.BrightBlue($"Bright {Output.Green("and normal green")}"));
Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"The difference {Output.Bold("between bold")} and {Output.BrightGreen("bright green")}"));
Console.WriteLine(Output.Bold().Green().Text($"starting green {Output.Red("then red")} must be green again"));
The static methods accepting string input Output.Red("input")
return formatted string output. This also works with nested interpolated strings `Output.Red($"input {Output.Bold("bold")}").
Or building up a formatter using Output.Bold().Red().Text("input")
where the string is only returned after closing with the Text
method. This can also be mixed with interpolated strings.
It works fine on evertyhing except for older Windows versions.
My journey for using ANSI codes in C# first brought me here:
The ANSI coloring details was inspired by this blog post:
The code for enabling ANSI colors feature on Windows was borrowed from this issue: microsoft/WSL#1873
No greater compliment than someone taking your work for inspiration. In return I peaked into his code for the RGB support!