- with server
- cloudfoundry ready
- embedded Apache Fuseki2 / Jetty server
- Apache Jena with RDF datasets
- Angular based faceted search and query frontend.
- Install Intellij (Community)
- Install Apache Maven
- Install Node
- Install bower (requires node)
npm i -g bower
- Install Pivotal cloud foundry
from the root of the sources
mvn clean package
from the client-angular directory
cd client-angular
bower install
After succesful installations
cd configserver/
mvn test -Plocalhost
orjava -jar target/server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Then navigate to - http://localhost:8080/index.html
- Go to https://run.pivotal.io and sign up.
- open a terminal
cf login
To run the server application in the cloud.
cd server
cf push
To run the client application in the cloud.
- update the endpoint in
to the given route for the server app. cd angular-client
cf push