This project was completed by Deven Patnaik in partial fulfilment of ECON-UB.0232, Data Bootcamp, Spring 2021. I certify that the NYU Stern Honor Code applies to this project.
In particular, I have:
Clearly acknowledged the work and efforts of others when submitting written work as our own. The incorporation of the work of others–including but not limited to their ideas, data, creative expression, and direct quotations (which should be designated with quotation marks), or para-phrasing thereof– has been fully and appropriately referenced using notations both in the text and the bibliography.
And I understand that:
Submitting the same or substantially similar work in multiple courses, either in the same semester or in a different semester, without the express approval of all instructors is strictly forbidden. I acknowledge that a failure to abide by NYU Stern Honor Code will result in a failing grade for the project and course.
Project Description
Insert one paragraph description of your project
Some notes on our files:
- Our data comes from Pablo Freitas on Kaggle
- The file "data_dictionary.txt", which explains the column descriptions in the .csv file, also comes from this source
Thank you to Ben Zweig and Praxal Patel for instructing my section of ECON-UB.0232.